Our weather is changing in several waves – New weather forecast for Sunday


Until Sunday night, the humid and increasingly cold air reaches the area of ​​our country in several waves. In the afternoon another vortex of air arrives and in the afternoon it causes snow and cooling in various places, as a result of which we return to winter.

Weather forecast for Sunday morning

Weather forecast for Sunday morning
Weather forecast for Sunday morning – Source: met.hu

Sunday Clouds are initially thinner, intermittent, and in some places there may be longer or shorter periods of days. Starting in the afternoon, the clouds thicken more and more from the southwest, the sky is cloudy. During the day, the tendency to rain temporarily decreases, and then from the evening hours and at night the rain falls more and more from the south, which from the west becomes more and more snowy rain, snowfall replaced. The northwestern third of the country is less likely to have rainfall.

Weather forecast for Sunday afternoon

Weather forecast for Sunday afternoon
Weather forecast for Sunday afternoon – Source: met.hu

Sunday in the southwest and then in the north, The winds from the northwest are accompanied in many places by strong shaking.

Weather forecast for Sunday night

Weather forecast for Sunday night
Weather forecast for Sunday night – Source: met.hu

The lowest night temperature is between -2 and +6 degrees.
Highest temperature during the day Sunday 4 and 11 degrees probable.
