Attila Bíró: “We shot those who needed it”


He said that the team did not hesitate for a moment, and the tactic came in that they wanted to surprise the Italians, and Alda Magyari’s great defenses also contributed to their success. He added that he trusted his disciples to the end, and the Italians were able to get the best out of the game so that they would “shoot those who needed it.”

When talking about the clash against the Netherlands, the expert remarked that he awaits the prestigious match of the two liberated teams, who want to win, because that would be important for development.

Attila Bíró started the battle with twenty-year-old Alda Magyari instead of Edina Gangl, the routine European champion, in the clash that decided the Olympic participation. The Hungarian team started dreamy, scoring three goals in three minutes without conceding any, and Magyari was able to defend with a human handicap. Through host Arianna Garibotti, she even worsened five meters. The Italians scored their first goal 45 seconds before the end of the quarter thanks to a lucky ball that bounced off a block.

The second quarter started with a defended Hungarian disadvantage and then with a sold advantage, Gabriella Szücs hit the lead (4-1). The Italians also missed their second five meters, this time Magyari defended Claudia Marletta’s shot, but on the other side Anna Illés was not wrong. After the second Italian hit, the Hungarian free kick was missed, and the opponent was immediately penalized and scored two goals.

At the start of the third quarter, Rita Keszthelyi reassured her team with a great goal, the Italians responded with a nice play until the end, then minimized the difference with a great drop. Through Parkes Rebecca, the next Hungarian lead ended with a goal (7-5), but Roberta Bianconi also scored on the other side. After that, Anikó Gyöngyössy fought for a place, and Dorottya Szilágyi scored a great goal from afar, and even almost immediately afterwards she scored a ball, and the breakaway was replaced by Rita Keszthelyi (9-6). The home team was beautified half a minute before the end of the quarter.

At the beginning of the closing act, Keszthely flashed again, the gap widened with his fifth hit, and the Italians blew two leads, but did not make a double human lead. Four and a half minutes before the end, the Hungarians also got traffic after a long pause, which Dora Leimeter finished off perfectly. There were three minutes left for Illés Anna to shoot and the perfectly executed play practically decided the game. In the end, Rita Keszthelyi had half a dozen hits.

After the meeting, local organizers also handed out a huge boarding pass for a symbolic flight to Tokyo to the Hungarians, who will play the Dutch in the final of the tournament on Sunday, already in a no-betting match.


Hungary-Italy 13-10 (3-1, 2-2, 4-4, 4-3)

Hungarian national team scorers: Keszthelyi 6, Szilágyi, Illés 2-2, Szücs, Parkes, Leimeter 1-1

Opening photo: MTI / Balázs Czagány
