As businesses fall in a row, the government is filling its own businesses with billions


What you need to know right away in 2021.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán speaks at Parliament Question Time in the plenary session of Parliament on October 19, 2020Photo: Bruzák Noémi / MTI / MTVA

A single day is enough to show the nature of the government’s economic rescue measures.

On Saturday, no measures were revealed that would have helped catering companies get closer to bankruptcy, small businesses hit hardest by the crisis, or perhaps serve for job protection, economic recovery or social purposes.

However, the topic is quite current: caterers already threaten to open it despite the ban, with tricks forced to lower the blinds, while many did not even get the November wage subsidy.

Rather, it turned out that just last year, the epidemic-weighted year

The Hungarian state announced HUF 23 billion on TV2, which belongs to the business area of ​​Lőrinc Mészáros.

The amount is almost 4 billion HUF higher than the previous year and is nine times the state budget spent on competitor RTL Klub.

Perhaps even more serious is the fact that the Hunguest Hotels hotel chain, owned by Lőrinc Mészáros, obtained the most support from the economic protection fund last year:

14 Mészáros hotels received renovation support for a total of HUF 17.7 billion, and laid off half of their employees.

It was also revealed amid the epidemic that the state will take over the operation of the Progress Sports Complex, which was built with 15 billion HUF, from the local government of Szombathely. The investment has been so successful that even after three years, there is no one to operate the facility, whose operation has already been driven by the taxpayer community at 300 million each in the last two years.

The top performing government politicians also received the bonus they deserved at the end of the year. It also made news Saturday that 19 secretaries of state had received a one-month bonus from last year. Among others, the secretaries of the Prime Minister, Rogán’s Cabinet and EMMI were able to receive their well-deserved prizes of 1.3 million and 1.7 million, respectively.

By way of illustration, the government spent a total of HUF 50 billion on wage subsidies last year. We go into detail in this article about how the 1.9 billion HUF allocated for economic protection was.

