Joe Biden, who favored the gender lobby on his first day


Already on his first day in office, the new president of the United States favored gender ideology and the associated LGBTQ lobby. Joe Biden has signed a decree that allows children in schools to use their own lavatory according to their chosen gender and to participate in various sports accordingly. In the past, however, several have been outraged by the fact that transgender girls, that is, biologically born athletes, compete against girls of the same sex (who are identified by their birth gender – ed.), The agency international news outlet V4NA draws attention to. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has ordered the use of the acronym “gentle-neutral” Mx. In the emails sent to the White House, in addition to Mr., Mrs. and Mrs. you have also appointed America’s Prime Minister of Transgender Health, Rachel L. Levine.

The new president, a Democrat, was inaugurated on Wednesday Joe biden Already in his first days in office, he withdrew or modified a series of measures taken by his predecessor. Although Joe Biden has barely taken office yet, he is already trying to favor the LGBTQ lobby.

Joe bidenSource: AFP / Andrew Caballero-Reynolds

For some time now, it has been a problem in American schools for transgender girls, that is, students who were originally born as boys, to compete with biologically female athletes. This puts girls at a disadvantage, however, as boy-born competitors have completely different physical abilities and thus can gain an unfair advantage in the competition. To avoid this, bills have been introduced in several states to allow everyone to compete only in one category and sport appropriate for their gender. Eventually, this became law only in Idaho.

This attitude was supported by the Trump administration, and it was even suggested that subsidies be withdrawn from schools where transgender students could compete with their cuddly peers.

However, Joe Biden has now changed that and favored gender ideology. It issued a decree on the need to combat alleged discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. Therefore, in American schools, children should not have to worry about whether they can go to the bathroom, the locker room of their choice or whether they can compete in a sport appropriate for their gender. In doing so, it essentially allowed athletes born to a boy to compete against girls.

The White House will also be gender neutral

The regulation even addressed the need for equal treatment in the workplace and in healthcare, also regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation.
But it’s not just this change that has benefited the LGBTQ lobby in recent days. Thanks to the new presidency, the White House website has been renewed, as has the contact form.

So, in addition to Mr., Mrs. and Mrs., the gender neutral Mx.

Also, the people who fill out the form can choose which pronoun they refer to. Of course, in the name of “progress”, not only male and female pronouns can be chosen, but also the term “they / they”, which is considered neutral. It is also possible to enter an “other” pronoun and not enter any pronouns.

Joe Biden has appointed the first transgender member of the government in American history.

Joe Biden has provided a place in government for 64 years, which he calls “diverse.” Dr. Rachel L. Levine also a pediatrician who the first transgender person in American history to hold such a high office.

Dr. Rachel L. LevineSource: Wikipedia / Flickr / Governor Tom Wolf

Rachel Levine became Undersecretary of Health. The new deputy minister defines herself as transgender, lived as a man until 2011, Richard but from then on, to a certain extent, it changed gender.

Before becoming transgender, he married a woman as a man and has two blood children. By the way, he studied at Harvard and worked as a chief physician in the state of Pennsylvania prior to his appointment.
