Coronavirus: British hospitals have received special vaccination instructions


According to the internal guidelines of at least one British hospital, some of the immigrants working there should not be vaccinated against the coronavirus due to health workers, writes The Guardian hre.

Photo: MTI Photo / Csaba Krizsán – Illustration of our image.

According to an internal guide sent to workers, only employees with an NHS number similar to the Hungarian Taj number can get vaccinated at a leading British hospital. That number is given to those who have registered with a GP, but among those who have relatively recently migrated to the country and members of ethnic minorities, many, including British public health workers, do not have an NHS number and they cannot be vaccinated as instructed.

This is quite outrageous to many, including the Health Workers Union, the British Public Health Service, as the NHS would be inoperative without immigrants, especially in times of epidemic.

The Guardian knows that the instruction did not come from the NHS or the Department of Health. Despite instructions, workers at various hospitals are also vaccinated without an NHS number and are asked to apply for an NHS number after vaccination so that they can register later.
