Index – Economy – National Chief Veterinarian on Avian Influenza: the disease has been localized for the moment


More recently, the bird flu problem has cropped up every year and has happened now. What is the reason for this?

In recent months, the H5N8 avian influenza serotype, a highly contagious avian influenza virus, has appeared in various locations in Europe and has been brought back to Europe by migratory birds. This strain of virus also appeared in Hungary: first in Komárom-Esztergom county and then in Bács-Kiskun county.

Can it be reported that bird flu is also spreading in Hungary?

We have recorded these two outbreaks so far, that is, we have found the virus in these two herds so far. Our immediate measures are aimed precisely at preventing the spread of the disease. However, due to weather conditions and the migration of migratory birds, there is a very high risk of avian influenza appearing in new places. At the moment, the disease has been localized to both sites. Thus

it is not possible to report the spread of avian influenza because they are two separate and unrelated outbreaks,

however, the disease can occur elsewhere.

How much was spent on compensation last year, and how many forced cuts were there?

The avian influenza epidemic was present in Hungary in January 2020 and in the spring and early summer. The amount of compensation that had to be paid to the ranchers due to the liquidation of the herds amounted to HUF 14 billion. During the control, almost 5 million birds were slaughtered and slaughtered in the affected area, of which around 1.1 million were not due to actual outbreaks, but for prevention purposes.

How much does this affect exports now?

In each case in which a notifiable animal disease appears in a country, such as avian influenza or African swine fever, various restrictive measures are imposed, which are ordered by the national authority. The consequence of the restrictions is that they are also reinforced by trading partners, third countries. There are states that prohibit the trade of a certain merchandise or live animal throughout the country, and there are also those that use the principle of so-called regionalization, that is, only the area affected by the disease or epidemiological measures is restricted. In such cases, the biggest problem is the loss of Asian markets, where there are states that have not yet applied regionalization.

Yes regionalization: in December, Hungary was the first country in the world affected by African swine fever with which Japan agreed to regionalization. Have exports to Japan resumed?

In practical terms, it has not started again, we are waiting for the finalization of the negotiations between the Hungarian and Japanese authorities on the veterinary certificate, and we will receive approval and the possibility of delivery.

We have agreed on the terms, so it is likely that deliveries can begin immediately in a few weeks, as allowed by the Japanese authorities.

of plants already approved.

A map is available on the Nébih website, showing where swine fever is spreading in Hungary. Are there any areas where there are no restrictions?

In Hungary, African swine fever affects wild boar herds and the Nébih map actually shows where the virus is present. Transdanubia is, in fact, free of the virus, with the exception of the counties of Komárom-Esztergom and Pest. However, there are also limited areas here, as the high risk area is much wider than the infected area.

No infection found in the backyard or on large farms?

In Hungary, we have not yet detected the swine fever virus in domestic pigs, in backyard herds or on large-scale livestock farms.

Where is the spread of the epidemic in Europe?

In Europe, the most recent infection took place in Germany, where the virus has only been detected in herds of wild boar. However, two previously infected countries have been released in recent years: the Czech Republic and Belgium have managed to make herds of wild boar virus free. In these two countries, the disease appeared in a geographically well separated small-scale area, which helped, made it possible to eradicate the disease, to achieve re-exemption.

(Cover image: Veterinary experts will conduct an inspection on a duck farm affected by avian influenza in Hungary on February 26, 2015. Photo: Rosta Tibor / MTI)
