National hotels and restaurants received a letter that they did not expect to open before Pentecost


“It is difficult to imagine an opening before May. But not only at home, but also in other European countries, as vaccination and epidemic data show that restrictions will persist for some time, ”he said. Tamás Flesch to The president of the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) added that those involved should be prepared for this, so a letter was sent to the hotels and restaurants in Hungary.

The letter also reached our page, it says:

According to communication from the government and the Hungarian Tourism Agency, the current restrictions are likely to last until Pentecost.

We know that many restaurant and hotel managers were surprised by the content of the menu, but Flesch said it is not surprising. Csaba Dömötör For example, the Secretary of State recently spoke of the government’s calculations that “if Hungary depends solely on Brussels” to purchase vaccines, the restrictions cannot be lifted before the end of September. But for now, we don’t even know how many people want to get vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine if they get a national license.

The president of MSZÉSZ also writes in the circular that they know and have pointed out to decision makers that this period will be very difficult even with the increase in current subsidies. Flesch noted that hotels that are closed also come at a cost, and retaining a skilled workforce is also costly.

Financing without several months of income: impossible. With state subsidies, the objective is only to alleviate the damage, and they do not mean complete aid either. We will do our best to open the hotels as soon as possible, but unfortunately this will clearly depend on the vaccination and the new number of cases per day.

Until then, they would continue to negotiate state aid, so To Zoltán Guller, Your requests were sent to the Executive Director of the Hungarian Tourism Agency:

  • increase the wage subsidy from 50 percent to 75 percent,
  • There should be a total reduction in contributions to increase the net wages of workers.
  • the monthly service fee made last year must be included in the salary subsidy,
  • aid is maintained until full reopening and for three months thereafter,
  • abolish the building tax this year,
  • extend the release of the contribution to tourism development until the end of 2021.
