Index – National – In February, they can decide on the radical transformation of several Hungarian universities


The decision of the government and then the parliament can be made even in February on the retention of the University of Debrecen, the University of Pécs, the University of Semmelweis, the University of Szeged and the University of Dunaújváros as foundations, writes del Ministry of Innovation and Technology.

According to this, as of January 15, the Ministry had requested a summary of 13-14 pages from each educational institution on the number of students, training and research in the faculties and other key indicators, strategic goals.

The reservation of a foundation is about the state establishing a trust fund that performs a task of public interest and makes it the custodian of the university with a memorandum of association. The foundation will have the right to approve the university budget, the annual report, the organizational and operational regulations, the wealth management plan, the constitution or purchase of a business organization and announce the candidacy of the rector. All of this happened first with the Corvinus University of Budapest, and then with a wide-ranging case of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts, and news recently began to spread that this fate awaited the University of Pécs and others.

In terms of benefits, ITM says the foundation’s reserve will increase its autonomy, simplify decision-making, and make operations cheaper. It was recently revealed that Rector László Rovó would like to win over Katalin Novák, a minister without portfolio at the University of Szeged, as a member of the Board of Trustees.

Here the hvg also writes that the senate must decide on the model change at a rapid pace at the University of Szeged, and if they vote for it, the transformation must be resolved very quickly. According to the document, the future of the university was discussed in a Senate meeting of almost two and a half hours, but no decision could be made.

However, several participants were disappointed that only 5-6 members of the Senate opposed the rapid model change, the details of which are unknown, and tried to ask the Rector to ask the Minister of Innovation and Technology for time, but allegedly swept the proposal of the table. .

The university union did not ask to speak at the meeting, but it turned out that a working group had been formed to which representatives of topics related to the transformation had been invited. Students were also invited here, but it was unclear who and how they might be members of the working group.
