Trump’s popularity fell to a low point –


In the last week of his presidency, the popularity of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, has plummeted to an all-time low, according to Saturday’s summary of the electoral analysis portal FiveThirtyEight.

A data series that summarizes data from dozens of polls shows that, on average, 58 percent of respondents disagree with the presidency of Donald Trump, while 38 percent agree. On January 5, the day before the Capitol siege, that rate was still 53.2 percent and 42.6 percent, respectively, according to MTI news.

Polls among the adult population showed 59.5 percent rejection and 36.5 percent support on Saturday. Among Americans who are registered or likely to vote, the difference is slightly smaller: 56.5 percent of the president’s rejection and 39.7 percent of his support.

Some polls also show that the president’s popularity has dropped significantly since the Capitol siege. For example, in a poll conducted Jan. 4-5, the Ipsos pollster rated the president’s group of sympathizers at 38 percent and those who disapproved of his activities at 57 percent; a few days later, the proportion of supporters stood at 34 percent against 61 percent.

Yougov measured 39 and 55 percent midweek, respectively, and 42 and 52 percent in early January. In a survey conducted by Morning Consult in the first week of January, the proportion of supporters was 41% and that of opponents 53%; In the January 12-14 poll, only 34% of respondents were in favor and 60% did not support the president’s work.

The data also shows that Trump’s activities still had the support of a relative majority when he took office in 2017, but already in February 2017, those who disapproved of the president’s policies were in the majority, and that remained until the last day of cycle.

The data also shows that the number of supporters and disapproval of the president’s activities grew closer to each other in early April last year, when only a relative majority – 49.7 percent – said they disagreed with Trump’s shares and 45.8 percent said they disagreed. support what the president is doing.

Although he still has a few days left in his presidency, the trend is for Donald Trump to leave the White House with a popularity rating below 40 percent. Since World War II, in the history of modern polls, it has never been the case that a president’s support is below 40 percent and his rejection is above 50 percent at the end of his first term. . Among the outgoing presidents, along with Donald Trump, Jimmy Carter was the only one whose popularity did not reach 50 percent at the end of his term.
