Something sensational was found in a cave wall – there has never been an example of it before – Terrace


The oldest cave animal painting in the world has been discovered in Indonesia. According to archaeologists, the painting depicting a wild boar may have been made 45,000 years ago.

The life-size celebes pig was painted with dark red and ocher paint on the cave wall as part of a scene. The image was found on the island of Sulawesi, Sulawesi, in a secluded valley, the Leang Tedongnge cave. The cave painting is the earliest evidence that human settlements have appeared in the region, he reported. BBC news Thursday.

The painting may be at least 45,000 years old.

“The people who made the painting were already modern people, like us, they had all the skills and tools to make the painting that they wanted,” said Maxime Aubert, co-author of a discovery study in Science Advances.

Aubert, a dating expert, examined the calcite deposit found in the painting and determined using the uranium isotope method that the deposit was 45,000 years old. According to the researchers, this proves that the painting is at least as old, but as they pointed out, it could be even older, as only the calcite deposit found in it has been studied so far.

According to the study, the painting is 136 centimeters long and 54 centimeters high. Horn-shaped fangs can also be seen on the pig’s head, which is characteristic of adult males of the species. The image of the animal is surrounded by handprints, as well as two depictions of surviving pigs.

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Another study author, Adam Brumm, said that in the scene depicted in the cave painting, the pig may have seen a fight or interaction between two other pigs. To make the handprints, the artists first had to press their hands against the cave wall to blow paint on it. Archaeologists are confident that they will also be able to identify a DNA sample based on saliva remains.

The depiction of a cave animal may be the oldest painting of its kind, but not the oldest painting, as South African hashtag-shaped paintings, made 73,000 years ago, are far advanced.

The illustration of the highlighted image. Source: Getty Images.

There is something shocking lurking inside the mountain

The entrance to the cave, which opens from the side of the hill, looks completely normal from the outside and does not suggest that an entire village lies behind it.
