Index – Abroad – Court ruling: Soros’s work on Covid-19


Many of us know Einstein’s timeless saying:

In the world two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. Although the first one I’m not sure.

The truth of the bon mot is proven time and again, most recently after a Peruvian court verdict. It happened that Chincha and Pisco your city’s appeals court ruled in recent days that the coronavirus pandemic was the work of the culprits of the guilty global elite,

specifically the billionaire speculator György sorosand the Rockefellerekis (sic!) you are Bill gatesé, owned by Microsoft.

In other words, the conspiracy theories, which are well known and spread by many, now have a legal basis.

Well, the reader may rightly wonder how the court in question came to pass that judgment.

Well, that body delayed the examination of the appeal of one of its clients and gave the reason for the pandemic. That would have been nice, since the pandemic is really causing disruption. But forensics in Chincha and Pisco weren’t happy about that, adding that the main characteristic of the pandemic was unpredictability, except who caused it.

This is because a secret organization has controlled and continues to control the spread of the Covid-19 virus in a super secret way through their global organizations.

The holders of this global network will continue to be named in the person of György Soros and Bill Gates, in which there is nothing new, as the named billionaires have long been popular targets for the inventors of conspiracy theories. Now, however, a new character also joins the conspirators, more precisely not just one character, but a whole family: the Rockefellers. They, Soros, Gates and the Rockefellers, foresee everything, unlike the poor judges of Pisco and Chincha, by name. Tito Gallegos, Luis Leguía and Tony changaray. Because they are noticing the above, revealing decision.

Of course, this is not the end of the case, the control body of the court in question, based in Ica. ODECMA (Office of the Decentralized Control of the Magistracy) ordered an investigation against the three judges who signed the decision. ODECMA maintains that

Covid-19, as the research results clearly demonstrate, is of animal origin and not the product of human intervention.

However, all this does not silence the makers of conspiracy theories, who say that secret societies, the natural persons mentioned above – the Rockefeller family is new, they have not yet gotten involved – in fact, the 5G network is causing the spread of the virus. Regardless of the fact that the latter was built only in a few places.

After all, it makes perfect sense: the court has managed to find a universal excuse that provides an unquestionable excuse for laziness and delay.

Cover image: Getty Images Hungary. Photographer: Disney XD
