Index – National – announced Ákos Hadházy, but finally thanked the vaccinated lifeguard


Ákos Hadházy, an independent member of Parliament, wrote in his latest Facebook post titled “We have the Hungarian vaccination plan” about a person who is being vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine and who, he said, would not have been eligible according to the government vaccination schedule.

In the images shared by the representative, it can be seen that the person put in his profile picture the legend “I have already been vaccinated”, which, however, comes from the Facebook page of the Hungarian Lifeguard Service (VMSZ).

Ákos Hadházy also added that “Balázs has a company that operates a Balaton yacht club and an elegant restaurant and hotel”, but “it is true” that he is not an old man, nor a doctor, nor a nurse, nor a nursing home, nor a teacher.

Balázs is not a bad person, he simply lived with the opportunities that connections and social status offered him. And with the limitless chaos that characterizes the Hungarian “epidemic control” in the organization of vaccinations. Finally, we want to thank Balázs for promoting vaccination, as the real lifeguard-ambulance. Can’t do with the system

– said on the Independent Member’s Facebook page.

The Index reached the man announced by Ákos Hadházy, who happened to be Balázs Tóth, a member of the board of directors of Balaton Circle, head of the BL YachtClub and manager of the Hungarian Lifeguard Service vessel.

Balázs Tóth emphasized:

there is no suspect of any kind.

He was vaccinated as an active lifeguard. He also said that Balatonlelle has the first lifeguard base on the south coast, which is active 365 days a year and is in continuous use. It was delivered last July, thanks to a collaboration between BL YachtClub & Apartments and the Lifeguard Service.

According to Balázs Tóth, it is important to note that Lake Balaton is no longer just a summer story, but a vibrant tourist destination throughout the year. The lake is also used by fishermen and sailors throughout the year, so often a lifeboat leaves from Balatonlelle if someone gets into trouble outside of peak season.

He reported that he had been vaccinated in order to support the coronavirus vaccine and stressed the need to be vaccinated.

I confess that in order to recover life, the economy and tourism to start over, it is essential to get vaccinated.

Balázs Tóth declared to the Index.

Balázs Tóth also drew attention to the article on, which reported on January 8 that the VMSZ was among the first to receive a vaccination opportunity.

First those who work in the ambulance, then the boatmen and then the office workers can take advantage of this. At the Semmelweis University clinic, I also received the first dose of vaccine from Professor Béla Merkely and I don’t feel any side effects. I started promoting vaccination because I see in my environment that there is a lot of uncertainty

– Sándor Bagyó, president of the Hungarian Water Rescue Service, told the Balaton portal.

In the article, Balázs Tóth reported on vaccination as follows:

I had to answer a series of questions: I am allergic, what diseases do I have. There was also a body temperature measurement and they asked me if I had been feeling bad lately. They were thoroughly examined and then I stayed inside for half an hour of observation after vaccination. I didn’t feel anything special, like I had a flu shot. Incidentally, they were informed that fatigue, swelling at the injection site, and possibly numbness of the hands could be expected. But none of that happened to me.

Balázs Tóth also told the portal that he had started a dialogue on his community side as an opinion leader, because in his opinion there is no other solution for tourism than vaccination.

It would be important to note that there is no other option. We don’t have another chance if we want to get our lives back. We cannot travel until a sufficient number of people are vaccinated

– He told the Balaton portal.

Ákos Hadházy finally updated his Facebook post while speaking with Balázs Tóth on the phone after the post was published, asking him to post the following:

As a skipper, he participates in lifeguard work, through which he was vaccinated. He didn’t even hide it from anyone, in fact, he even reported it on a local website and specifically promoted the vaccine. I was also convinced of that, so I repeat what I said at the end of the original post: thank you for promoting the vaccine, I appreciate it. It cannot cause the chaos, the decapitation that characterizes the launch of vaccines. We agreed with him that it would be good if the more organized, the more people, the sooner they received the vaccine.
