Index – National – MÚOSZ attended the ATV presenter


Although Róbert Kárász is not a member of the National Association of Hungarian Journalists, the organization’s ethics committee has ruled on the ATV employee issue.

About the ATV presenter, 444 previously wrote while conducting an interview on issues affecting the Human Resources Department, while the ministry provided state support to the foundation that could be affiliated with it.

The ministry headed by Miklós Kásler

was supported by three million florins

the Kárász Foundation for the Search for Missing Children.

Mental and moral independence

Judit N. Kósa wrote in the board resolution that she now talks about the ATV presenter case, committee members agree that

Freedom of the press is a precondition for freedom in the person of the journalist and in the circumstances in which he works.

According to them, part of this is that their employer or the owner of the news product should not be forced, and the journalist, in his “well-conceived self-interest”, should not be forced to be the only aspect to explore and present the truth at work. Beware.

The other side, however, is the responsibility of the journalist: a situation cannot be created in which, in addition to seeking to discover and present the facts, their decisions are influenced by others.

According to the directive, “the journalist must remain independent, not only mentally and morally, but also financially. Your work for any press product should not be affected in the least by any other commitment, be it an expert, a business activity or a foundation, for which you can expect financial support from the state or a dominant player in the industry. politics or economics’.

That is, according to the MÚOSZ ethics committee, it seems that the appearance of a journalist in the press may be guided by any other aspect that is not the search and presentation of the truth,

Fundamentally, it can shake the credibility of the press and the trust in journalists.

Book cover: Róbert Kárász – MTI. Photographer: Balázs Mohai
