He became a new advisor to Viktor Orbán


János Bóka’s task is

assist the Prime Minister in his negotiations with the Member States of the European Union and representatives of the EU institutions.

It will participate in the preparation of government meetings on EU issues and discuss with ministers the position of the Hungarian government in relation to EU membership, said the head of the Prime Minister’s Press Office.

It will be recalled that at the end of December the Prime Minister reorganized the supervision of EU affairs in the government, Telex wrote in this regard that the Prime Minister once again has personal responsibility in several important points of relations with the institutions of the Union European, which directly imply bargaining powers. The decree also names the “Prime Minister’s Secretary of State for European Union Affairs” as the person who represents or replaces him in these negotiations on behalf of the Prime Minister. This position is now held by János Bóka.

By the way, János Bóka’s name had already leaked on Friday afternoon, and in his article in Népszava he wrote that the former Secretary of State for the Ministry of Justice had become Viktor Orbán’s Chief Foreign Policy Advisor as the successor to the newly late Péter Gottfried. János Bóka’s most important task will be to mediate disputes that are expected to arise between the European Commission and the government, just like Péter Gottfried.

Népszava also recalls that two people left Judit Varga’s portfolio from the Minister of Justice, which also suggests that the management of EU affairs will be under the direct supervision of Viktor Orbán. In addition to János Bóka, Attila Steiner also transferred the “Secretary of State for European Affairs” from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, where he assumed the position of head of the Government Secretariat to “Implement the Action Plan of Climate and Nature ”.

Your career path

He was born in Szolnok in 1978 and graduated from the Szeged University Law School in 2001. He studied European integration and development at the Vrije Universiteit (VUB) in Brussels. In 2013, he obtained a PhD from the University of Szeged.

From 2001 to 2003, he worked as an assistant professor at the University of Szeged, Department of International Law and European Law, Faculty of Law. He worked at the Information Office from 2003 and then as a member of the European Parliament until 2009. From 2009 he served as a teaching assistant, then between 2011 and 2016 as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Szeged , at the Institute of Comparative Law. In 2014-2015 he was Senior Advisor at Civic College of the Mansion. Between 2015 and 2019 he was an associate professor in the Department of European Public and Private Law, Faculty of International and European Studies, National University of Public Function, and between 2016 and 2017 he was vice dean. In 2017-2018, he is Director of the Hungarian Academy of Justice of the Office of the National Court. As of 2018, he will hold the position of Secretary of State of the European Union and International Judicial Cooperation in the Ministry of Justice. He is a professor of EU Law at the Károli Gáspár Reformed University Law School.

He speaks English and French at an advanced level, Russian at an intermediate level. He is married and has two children.

Cover photo: János Bóka, Secretary of State of the European Union and International Judicial Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice, will deliver a speech on the professional day of national scholarships for legal excellence at the Ministry on November 9, 2018. Source: MTI / Bruzák Noémi
