Index – Alien – Biden: It was not a protest, but a disaster that Trump was to blame


US President Joe Biden, who blamed outgoing President Donald Trump for the violence that rocked the capital, called the rebels who besieged the US Legislature building the day before as “domestic terrorists.”

Trump supporters protest in violation of congressional security on Wednesday

It was not a dissenting opinion, it was not a mess, not a protest, but a mess

said the president-elect.

Trump’s actions to destroy the country’s democratic institutions were the direct result of Washington’s attack, Biden said.

Not only Biden, but also US Secretary of Defense Chris Miller has condemned the violence in the US legislative seat.

Yesterday’s Capitol violence was a reprehensible act that violated the principles of the United States Constitution.

read Chris Miller’s statement.

“Our republic may have cracked yesterday, but the determination of our legislators to run the nation’s affairs will not waver,” Miller wrote, adding that the Pentagon is ready for Democratic President-elect Joe Biden to take power peacefully on January 20.

As is well known, hundreds of supporters of the outgoing president besieged the Capitol on Wednesday night, where Congress and the Senate held a joint meeting to authenticate the electoral votes sold to President-elect Joe Biden.

The protesters were pulled from the building with the help of the National Guard, killing four people in the clash. Trump had previously given a speech to his followers.

Save me!

On Thursday, Nald Pelosi, the Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, demanded the immediate removal of Donald Trump from the presidency under the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Consequently, the majority of the members of the government or of a body designated by Congress, under the direction of the Vice President, may declare the President unfit for the performance of his duties.

Trump’s Facebook and Instagram site has been blocked for the remainder of his presidency.
