The matter is decided by the government.

Our article is updated

It is justified to maintain strict restrictive measures in the future, said Cecília Müller at the briefing of the operational staff. He stressed that the matter will be decided by the government, but see that the epidemic still continues and the number of infected in neighboring countries has increased significantly.

Müller did not specify the period during which the restrictive measures should be maintained and did not suggest that none of the current measures should be extended.

We asked the Government Information Center and Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press officer, when the government will decide on this, if the measures are justified and how long they will be maintained. It is also a question of whether all restrictive measures will be maintained or will be exempted from this. A few days ago, Secretary of State Zoltán Maruzsa spoke about the opening of secondary schools on January 11. As soon as they reply, the article will be updated.

If all the measures currently in force are maintained, it will mean, among other things, that:

  • The curfew remains, it is only possible to be on the street between 8 pm and 5 am,
  • shops, various services close at 7 pm,
  • digital education from upper secondary school onwards,
  • there are no events, cinemas, theaters, gyms cannot open.

In mid-November, the government created a decree that allows it to maintain the epidemiological restrictions originally in force for 30 days until February 8. So far, the mandate given by Parliament has been fulfilled.

Cecília Müller, responding to a question in the leaflet, also said that a British mutation in the coronavirus has not yet been identified in Hungary.

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