Index – Foreign – Still a complete short circuit in Austria


Contrary to the Austrian government’s plans, the total closure of the coronavirus epidemic in Austria will last until January 24, as the upper house of parliament (Bundesrat) did not vote on the ruling coalition’s proposal to open on January 18 writes the MTI. The original plan of the government was

Whoever takes the test on the weekend of January 16 to 17, with a negative result in hand, will be able to visit the commercial and catering units, cultural and sports facilities reopened on January 18.

Anyone who had not been tested would have been quarantined for another week, until January 24. However, as the smaller upper house of parliament, consisting of provincial delegates, in which the opposition has a narrow majority, did not vote on the bill, the government was forced to

extend the whole short circuit in a week.

Health Minister Rudolf Anschober said after the meeting that the concrete timetable for the opening and the planned mass tests are still being negotiated with the opposition and provincial leaders. He added that the 24-hour curfew, with exceptions such as commuting, patient care, basic needs and individual sports, remains in effect. The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes:

The opening of schools was not part of the decree, so the Education Ministry said schools will start the second semester with distance education on January 7 and then children can return to schools from January 18.

Education Minister Heinz Faßmann declared on Monday on public service radio Ö1:

There can be no guarantee for the future, since it all depends on the number of diseases.

Health Minister Rudolf Anschober said at a news conference Monday afternoon that an English mutation in the SARS2 coronavirus had also been identified in Austria. Four people, three of them children, were shown the British mutation, and a 30-year-old woman was shown a South African variant. The minister said the five had arrived in the country by plane just before Austria imposed a travel ban on Britain.

All of them were still tested at the airport, so it turned out that they were dealing with the mutant virus. This is why the contact investigation was simpler, and in the end, none of the family members became infected.

Said the Minister.

In Austria, 1,642 people were recently diagnosed with the virus in the last day and 367,410 cases have been recorded since the outbreak began. The number of people hospitalized with the coronavirus disease is 2,321 and the number of people in need of intensive care is 368. In the last day, 33 people died from complications of the disease caused by the infection, raising the number deaths from the epidemic to 6,357.
