Researchers from the University of Pécs (University of Pécs) and the University of Oslo have identified an ecosystem in the Mecsek strata that is approximately 132 million years old, including echoes, crustaceans, sea urchins and other saltwater aquatic creatures. .

László Bujtor, Associate Professor at the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences at the University of Pécs, Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology One of the authors of a study published in the journal MTI told MTI that in the past, living communities similar to those seen in Mecsek were previously found only in Antarctica and the Tyrrhenian Sea.


According to the researcher, the new discovery is considered sensational, because the primitives found at Mecsek have grown more than the individuals studied elsewhere due to favorable environmental effects. All this is like finding a human population somewhere in the virgin forest of today, whose members would have an average height of 2.2-2.5 meters: László Bujtor felt the importance of the discovery.


He stressed that 130 million years ago, in the Carpathian Basin, in the Pannonian Sea, which was hundreds of meters deep, the environment of the Mecsek Mountains was special. The shallow water here, which is 100-120 meters deep and considered shallow, has also warmed to 20-22 degrees near the bottom thanks to volcanic heat sources deep in the earth. All this effect was manifested not only in the great richness of species, but also in the fact that the specimens of many species that inhabit the substrate reached a much larger body size than usual, explained the expert.



The study published in the world’s leading paleoecological journal also includes the results from Pécs, which previously had great international resonance, such as the three new fossil species that PTE researchers have found in recent years in the 130-million-year-old strata. from the Mecsek, László Bujtor pointed out.

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