More details of Orbán and Juncker’s relationship were revealed.


An interview with Jean-Claude Juncker, outgoing President of the European Commission in 2019, was published in the EUObserver year-end print. The writing was reviewed by The Gate.

The Luxembourg politician was mainly asked about the strengthening of far-right forces in the EU and about Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

In the interview, Juncker made the following key findings:

  • During his tenure as President of the Commission, far-right parties have grown stronger within the European Union and have come to power in various places (see Marine Le Pen in France) and to power elsewhere (for example, Matteo Salvini in Italy), so his role can no longer be ignored. .
  • The real threat to the Union was not only the extreme right, but the weakening of the rule of law. Viktor Orbán played a central role in this European audience.
  • Juncker has long faced the Hungarian prime minister as a dictator, so it was not surprising when he did so in public.
  • According to Orbán, he is not a dictator, but from the extreme right.
  • The former president was not happy, but he did not take the Hungarian government posters accused of organizing migration and György Soros too seriously, according to Mérce in the interview.
