Slavic: vaccination also exists among health workers.


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In Hungary, the number of anesthetics is relatively high and the phenomenon also exists among health workers, so it is possible that only 5,000 people have been vaccinated against the coronavirus so far, said János Szlávik, chief infectologist at South Pest. Central Hospital in ATV.

So far, nearly 80,000 doses of the Pfizer / BioNTech coronavirus vaccine have reached Hungary, enough to vaccinate 40,000 healthcare workers. They are at the top of the vaccination sequence, but for a long time it was not possible to know exactly who would follow them.

Finally, on Sunday an extract of the vaccination plan was published on the website of the National Center for Public Health. According to this, health workers (including doctors, assistants, nurses, pharmacists) are followed by social workers and recipients of social care, followed by those over 60, law enforcement officers, youth from high risk 18 to 59 years, critical infrastructure workers. , finally all the others.

When asked why social workers get vaccinated first than the elderly, Slavik said vaccinating two million people over the age of 60 is a serious logistical task and requires many more vaccines, but if we look at Israel’s example, vaccination massive can be solved. is.

János Slavik gives a vaccinePhoto: Koszticsák Szilárd / MTI / MTVA

Viktor Orbán has said several times in recent weeks that the vaccination plan is ready, however, last week an interested citizen received a response from state customer service that they were still working on it. The order was then made public, but we still don’t know exactly how they would organize the mass vaccination. Over the weekend, it turned out that if a large quantity of vaccine suddenly arrived, they would be vaccinated at polling stations, in addition to health care centers. Orbán said in December that if there was enough vaccine, everyone could get vaccinated in one weekend.

Regarding the hospital situation, Slavik said that the number of coronavirus patients at South Pest Central Hospital has decreased in recent weeks, but the number of people in the intensive care unit has not yet decreased as they fell ill many ago. weeks.

The number of infected people in the hospital has also decreased nationally in recent weeks, but the number of intensive care units is not reported, the government revealed several times in December when we asked specifically about it. We also do not know the number of covid suspects treated at the hospital, only a statement from Viktor Orbán revealed weeks ago that they are not included in the statistics.

However, Minister Gergely Gulyás told ATV at the end of the year that “(…) we have disclosed all the data to the best of our knowledge and belief from the first moment of the epidemic.”

