The number of new infections is less than a thousand and the number of new victims is less than a hundred in Hungary


The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 856 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 328,851, writes

The relatively few new infections are also due to the fact that only 8,727 tests were performed the day before, which is quite low. Almost 10 percent of them turned positive on Sunday.

Most of the 93 deaths were chronically elderly patients, thus the number of deaths increased to 9,977.

The number of people cured is currently 174,070 and the number of active people has dropped to 144,804. 5,667 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 400 of whom are connected to ventilators.

So far, a total of 80,000 doses of vaccine have arrived in Hungary, with which healthcare workers are already being vaccinated at 21 hospital vaccination points.

In order to curb the epidemic and ensure the functioning of hospitals, the protection measures in force until now remain in force.
