On January 1, the use of five sections of the Hungarian highway became subject to tolls.

It affects many motorists, yet many people have not even been informed that the stretch of the M4 motorway from the M0 ring road to Abony has taken a toll this year, writes 444.hu. But this is not the only section of the road that was free last year: according to autópálymatrica.hu, the following roads became equally peable:

  • M25 (M3-Eger connection),
  • Continuation of the M85, connection of the Sopron motorway,
  • The section of the M4 from Berettyóújfalu to the Romanian border,
  • The first almost six kilometers of the M76 from the M7 to Balatonszentgyörgy.

The total network of toll roads in 2021:

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10 cars we look forward to the most in 2021


While the future of the auto industry now is clearly one of electric propulsion, exciting cars are far from it. This year, too, we collect the most notable models from both worlds.

We can learn new rules on tax matters in 2021

Ivan Stojchev

Most of the changes, as happens almost every year, now affect taxes. We have summarized the key tax changes that went into effect on January 1, 2021.