The year has just begun and a government crisis could already come


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According to Italian press reports, the fate of Giuseppe Conte’s government will be decided on January 7. The generally well-informed news portal Affaritaliani estimated the chances of a government crisis at more than 90 percent. Other sources, however, are considering the possibility of a change of government.

The ultimatum was led by Matteo Renzi, who gave Giuseppe Conté a ruling party of the government of Italia Viva (IV) about three percent. The IV has announced that it will withdraw its two government ministers before January 7 if the prime minister does not comply with the party’s requests. The IV’s demands include that the Prime Minister involve government parties as broadly as possible in the use of the country’s 209 billion euro economic recovery fund, as well as the use of funds from the European Mechanism of Stability (MEDE). Furthermore, Matteo Renzi urges Giuseppe Conte to hand over the leadership of the secret services, which the prime minister took into his own hands months ago.

Matteo Renzi did not hide his willingness to “challenge” even Giuseppe Conte in parliament, who without Senators IV does not have the majority necessary to govern in the upper house. Analysts say that Matteo Renzi wants a change of prime minister, not a government. The comments recalled that Renzi was the spiritual father of the second Conte government formed in September 2019: at that time, the Five Star Movement (M5S) behind Giuseppe Conte was still ruling with the Left Democratic Party (PD) instead of the Right League.

However, Giuseppe Conte considers his position as head of government secure, arguing that nobody really wants a crisis and early elections, so he is willing to ask parliament for confidence. Observers see tensions in the government that the Democratic Party could take advantage of to request new ministerial portfolios in exchange for the support of the head of government. President Sergio Mattarella previously ruled out the possibility of a third Conte government, but the current health and economic emergency also makes it difficult to hold new elections. The head of state has the opportunity to dissolve parliament until July, as this will no longer be possible until the next president in 2022.

At the same time, Giorgia Meloni, president of the Italian Brothers of the Right (FdI), launched a collection of signatures online to resign from Giuseppe Conte, which reached the adherence of 100,000 people on Sunday in twenty-four hours.

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