It turned out how much Donald Trump voters believe in fraud, the results are surprising


The vast majority of Donald Trump voters believe they cheated in the US presidential election in which the president lost, and a third are convinced that President-elect Joe Bident will not take office on January 20. The fan camp seems to want to spend the next four years in a deep sleep known from science fiction.

After their election, American presidents are obliged to say that they want to not only be the heads of state who voted for them, but also lead the entire American people to a better future. President-elect Joe Biden will find it particularly difficult to deliver on that promise, according to an Economist / YouGov poll. The vast majority of the 71 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump do not really accept the defeat of the president.

The majority of Trump voters do not trust that the presidential election was fair, they believe that there was fraud and, in fact, many of them believe that they even distorted the result of the vote. As for the exact numbers, 70 percent of those who voted for Trump do not trust that the vote was fair. Even higher, at 82 percent, the proportion who said there was a lot of fraud in this election. In the end, quite brutally, many, 89 percent of “winners” believe that the scams have changed the bottom line.


This practically means that the voters of the former opponent almost without exception consider Biden’s presidency illegitimate, and the passage of this time also does not help, since two months have passed since the election without a substantial change. A week after Biden became the expected winner of the presidential election, 12 percent of Trump voters believed that the choice of a Democratic presidential candidate was legitimate. A month later, that rate jumped to just 15 percent, meaning it didn’t change significantly.

The president and his constituents constantly hope that Biden is not president, and consequently the court will decide that Trump will be president. Only 32 percent of the losing voter believes that Joe Bident will be registered as president of the United States on January 20, in accordance with his order and manner, in accordance with tradition. Another 32 percent think it won’t happen and 35 percent aren’t sure there will be an opening ceremony.

Don’t admit it!

The president’s fan base, which is now nearly equal to the entire Republican voter base and many fluctuating voters who did not vote for him in 2016 and did in 2020, believes that Trump should not concede defeat. More than a month after presidential election day, there are no changes in this area either. A week after Biden’s victory, 79 percent of Trump voters thought he shouldn’t admit defeat and 21 percent said he should. In comparison, this pair of ratios changed to 78-22 percent in mid-December, that is, it was practically unchanged.

In the days of the vote, the “winners” had high hopes that the judicial process initiated by the president’s legal team, which questioned Biden’s victory on the basis of fraud, would be successful. Almost two-thirds thought they would change the bottom line. His expectations were not met in mid-December.

Based on all of this, even Biden’s own voters doubt that the new president can represent and lead the entire nation. Seeing the stubborn opposition from Trump and his supporters, only half of Biden’s voters believe that Joe Biden can unite the nation as president.
