Coronavirus: PDSZ demands digital education and vaccination of teachers


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“We demand that the staff of public educational institutions be among those who receive the vaccine authorized by the competent body of the European Union in the first round, immediately after those who work in the health and social field!” – can be read from the document.

The union recalled that according to the World Education Organization and UNESCO, educators must be a high priority group when organizing vaccines to protect health and the right to education.

According to the PDSZ, epidemiological measures should not be relaxed in education, but intensified, but educators will be “returned” to educational institutions starting Monday in such a way that they will remain in a vulnerable position. Even the precautions that are already essential in other areas, such as the use of masks or Plexiglass, have not been ordered centrally.

According to them, the test provided to educators is just a bogus measure, it is currently provided once and is inaccessible to many due to distance, poor traffic conditions and the obligation to travel early by force, with no curfew. Also, the test dates have passed quickly and traveling to take the tests is a risk for those who do not have a car or do not live near the test point.

As long as there is not enough protection, there is no vaccination, a digital work schedule is needed for the safety of those who work in public education and families. “Create the conditions for a digital agenda that does not reestablish the situation in the spring, but that really guarantees the right to education, as well as the right to health and safe work. Provide support to employers and employees to make digital nobody you should lose your job because of your work schedule and your income should not fall because of it! “- is in a document for the government.

Cover image: Getty Images
