Slavic – Other vaccines are good for the elderly, the young and allergy sufferers, but there is no such option yet


János Slavik, ATV was the chief infectologist at South Pest Central Hospital Weekly diary with András Sváby guest of. According to János Slavik, there is a vaccination capacity for mass vaccination. He also asked the chief physician about it. András Svábywhy, after working in health, those who work in the social system are vaccinated and not the elderly. János Szlávik reminded him that there are 2 million people over the age of 60 in Hungary, so organizing their vaccination is a serious logistical task and requires an order of magnitude more vaccines than vaccinating those who work in the health and social field.

János Slavik also said that he had been vaccinated before. When asked which vaccine he thought was the best, he replied: it is the good vaccine that is available, so since the Pfizer vaccine is available in Hungary, he got vaccinated with it. He added that he would be happy to have a choice between vaccines, as other vaccines are good for the elderly, the young, people with allergies, etc., but there is no such option yet.

If we look at the example of Israel, mass vaccination can be solved, said John Slavik, adding that there is still not enough vaccine available for mass vaccination in Hungary, so for the moment, the tightening will prevent the epidemic from accelerating. .

On the spread of the new mutant of the coronavirus detected in several European countries, János Szlávik said: The new variant has not yet been detected in Hungary, but it seems that the new mutant cannot be prevented from spreading around the world. It appears, the chief physician added, that this mutant can be captured by the current vaccine, but it is not yet known whether this is true for later variants. The manufacturers promise that they will be able to react to new mutants in 4-6 weeks, added János Slavik.
