Security camera captures man who dumped hydrochloric acid balloon on Haller Street on New Years Eve


“But seriously now folks… Is this the start of the new year? Someone was so irresponsible that they left half a barrel of steaming concentrated hydrochloric acid on Haller Street in front of a house. It’s just lucky that we received a timely notification about it, so the toxic and corrosive substance did not cause serious injury. “

This was posted on Facebook by Krisztina Baranyi, the independent opposition mayor of Ferencváros, on Saturday, with the local government reporting the unknown.

According to Baranyi’s recent post, the loop around the pickler needs to be adjusted, as security camera footage of the incident has been found so they know what kind of car it came in with and exactly when it turned off the acid can. According to a Telex article, this is about a middle-aged man who parked an older Volvo guy on Haller Street on New Years Day at 7:46 p.m.

“Surveillance camera footage shows the man walking away from the barrel, then backing up after a few steps, bringing the hazardous waste closer to the garbage on the street and then, as if he had done his job well, moving forward freely.”

writes Telex.

Smoked hydrochloric acid.

He attached a photo of the hydrochloric acid balloon to Baranyi’s new post, saying:

“The barrel in the photo is interesting for several reasons, one is the so-called TAG that has the graffiti as a monogram, and the other is that the experts say that chemical barrels made with such closures are not used in the country. Not so much who did not know how to close the cylinder transported for disposal because a suitable cover has not been found. “

According to several commentators, it is an ancient type of balloon used decades ago.
