education – higher education

What kind of company could the author have been in? Péter Ungár asked the question in view of the last eleventh online textbook.

It speaks in a derogatory and offensive way not only about women but also about men, one of the questionnaires in the latest online grammar textbook for 11th grade students, noted LMP representative Péter Ungár in his publication of Facebook. Seeing the set of tasks with gender stereotypes and sexist comments, the politician asked the question:

What kind of company could the author of the textbook have entered, what kind of men does he know who are not capable of engaging in conversation in a coherent and pleasant way?

One of the tasks of the online textbook reinforces a number of gender stereotypes, such as the telex article, which states that

Men tend to talk about business, politics, or legal issues, while women are more attached to family, emotional issues, or food and drink.

The 13-part questionnaire also includes statements like “yes, no, um, uh, yes” for the men to agree, while the women only say “they monitor the conversation” but not necessarily agree. They also try to make sense of the differences by saying that men say “I don’t tell him many times that I love you because he’s bored” and vice versa: women are already bored because he doesn’t say many times that I love you. In the same way, if a man sits in front of his machine at home after a stressful day, the woman takes it so that she no longer likes it …

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