PDSZ: Educators are directed back to institutions without major precautions being requested.


“We demand that the staff of public education institutions immediately follow those who work in the health and social care sector who are the first to receive a vaccine approved by the competent body of the European Union”, the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) begins its open letter on Sunday. His letters Viktor Orban to the prime minister, To Miklós Kásler, Head of the Ministry of Human Resources, To László Palkovics, Head of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and Zsoltán Maruzsa addressed to the Secretary of State for Public Education.

According to the PDSZ, “epidemiological measures should not be relaxed in education” but should be intensified.

Teachers will be redirected to institutions starting Monday (those working in secondary education and VET soon after) so that they remain in a vulnerable position. Nor have the precautions been centrally ordered, which are already essential for several people who work in other fields, such as the use of masks or Plexiglas. Even now, no major action is being taken when mutations in the virus are spreading much faster than before.

They write.

In their letter, they also note that “fictitious measures such as tests” provided “for educators are so far only one time and inaccessible to many due to distance, poor traffic conditions and early homelessness,” according to the educators. the dates soon passed. According to them, entering the test itself is a risk, so for those who do not have a car or do not live near the test point, it is a disproportionate risk to participate in tests that do not provide reliable results.

The PDSZ urges recipients to “create the conditions for a digital agenda that does not restore the spring situation, but rather guarantees the right to education, as well as the right to health and safe work.”
