Róbert Ludasi, a master kayak-canoe trainer, died


Ludasi Róbert The head coach died at the age of 68 with tragic speed. At dawn on Sunday, he died in his sleep. Almost all successful Hungarian canoeists of the past three decades were his students, reported kajakkenusport.hu, two-time Olympic champion György Kolonics, Csaba Horváth, György Kozmann, Tamás Kiss, Edvin Csabai and several other world champions.

Source: Hungarian Kayak and Canoe Association

In commemoration of the association’s website, he writes that Ludasi’s coaching career began at Spartacus in 1979 and then moved to Csepel in 1989, where he was followed by two of his students, who later became world champions. László Szuszkó and he’s barely 16 years old György Kolonics also, who has run his training sessions for over two decades and who later won Olympic championships in Atlanta and Sydney as well.

“In my relationship with him, no one should imagine an emotional father-son relationship. Kolo wasn’t the type, and I’m not the one to show his feelings either. In fact, I can be pretty crude and generalized with my competitors, although that has changed a bit over time. When I accept someone, you feel acceptance, but I cannot confirm it in words every day. Koló did not require that kind of care either. In twenty-two years, we got to know each other perfectly, we were able to communicate without words, and most importantly, we were humanly and professionally authentic to each other, ”he said of his most successful student six years ago, who died in training in 2008 in preparation for the Olympic Games.

The family asks the public to respect their pain and not seek them out. The excellent trainer is considered by the Csepel club and the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association (MKKSZ) as dead.
