The late György Kolonics’ coach died in his sleep


In the obituary of the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association (MKKSZ), he recalls that almost all of the expert’s students were successful Hungarian canoes of the last three decades, the two-time Olympic champion György Kolonics, Csaba Horváth, György Kozmann, Tamás Kiss, Edvin Csabai and several other world champion riders as well.

During his career, his name was intertwined with only two clubs, Budapest Spartacus and Csepele. As a child in Budafok, he began canoeing in Spar at the urging of a friend in 1965. A major break in his athletic career was that he was taken to the soldier at the age of 19. by his own statement, he was no longer able to make up for the two-year omission, “wrote MKKSZ.

Róbert Ludasi began his coaching career in 1979, also at Spartacus, where he began working with 50-60 children.

He worked at the club until 1989, then moved to Csepel, where he was followed by two of his students, László Szuszkó, who later won the world title, and György Kolonics, who is just 16 years old and led their training for more than two decades.

“In my relationship with him, no one should imagine an emotional father-son relationship. Kolo wasn’t the type, and I’m not the one to show his feelings either. In fact, I can be quite crude and blank with my competitors, although that has changed over time. If I accept someone, you feel acceptance, but I can’t confirm it with words every day, Koló didn’t need that kind of care for each other either “- said the excellent coach about his most successful student six years ago , György Kolonics, who died during training in 2008, in the run-up to Olympic preparations.

“I will never be able to erase his death. It was a great break in my life, it changed everything. And I really can’t talk about it … However, he is here with me every day. Here at the Csepel water plant. No you can get over it, you can’t forget, “Ludasi added. Robert in the sports history book As It Has Been From Us.

One of the most uplifting successes of a coach’s career has to do with the death of the most successful student. Less than a month after the tragedy, Kolonics partner György Kozmann and Tamás Kiss, 21, who took the place of the legendary canoe, won a bronze medal in Beijing.

Róbert Ludasi was murdered in his sleep in the early hours of Sunday. The great coach is considered by the Csepel club and the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association as his own dead.

Opening photo: MTI Photo: Balázs Mohai
