Former Györgyék Kolonics coach passed away


Master trainer Róbert Ludasi died suddenly at the age of 68, announced the official website of the Hungarian Canoe Kayak Association (MKKSZ). His students were almost all successful Hungarian canoeists from the last three decades, the two-time Olympic champion György Kolonics, Csaba Horváth, György Kozmann, Tamás Kiss, Edvin Csabai and several other world champions.

During his career, his name was intertwined with only two clubs, Budapest Spartacus and Csepele. As a child in Budafok, he began canoeing in Spar in 1965 at the urging of a friend. It was a huge break in his athletic career that he was taken away as a soldier at the age of 19. Later, despite being on his knees in the canoe, according to his own confession, he could no longer make up for the two-year omission, MKKSZ writes in his obituary.

His coaching career began in 1979, also at Spartacus, where he began working with 50 to 60 children. He worked at the club until 1989, when he went to Csepel under the guidance of József Péhl, where he was followed by his two students, László Szuszkó, who later won the world title, and György Kolonics, who was just 16 years old and directed their training for more two decades.

The master’s students: Csaba Horváth, György Kolonics, László Szuszkó and Csaba Hüttner are the winners of the men’s canoe quartet at the 29th World Canoe Kayak Championships in SzegedSource: MTI / Tibor Illyés

“In my relationship with him, no one should imagine an emotional father-son relationship. Kolo was not the type, and I am not the one to show his feelings either. In fact, I can be quite crude and blank with my competitors, although that has changed over time. If I accept someone, he feels acceptance, but I cannot confirm it in words every day, Kolo did not require that kind of care either, we knew each other perfectly in twenty-two years, we were able to communicate without words and most importantly, we were human and professionally authentic. for each other “- he said six years ago about the most successful student of the excellent coach, György Kolonics, who died during training in 2008, in the process of preparing for the Olympics.

“I will never be able to erase his death. It was a great break in my life, it changed everything. And I really can’t talk about it … However, he is here with me every day. Here at the Csepel water plant. No you can get over it, you can’t forget, “Ludasi added. Robert in the sports history book “As It Passed Us”.

One of the most uplifting successes of a coach’s career has to do with the death of the most successful student. Less than a month after the tragedy, Kolonics partner György Kozmann won a bronze medal in Beijing with Tamás Kiss, who is just 21 years old.

“Gyuri Kozmann did not want to start the Beijing Olympics, but in the end we decided to do it. Koló would have done the same, and the preparation and work were a foothold for everyone in those difficult days. We discussed the possibilities with Gyuri Kozmann and Tamás Kiss our choice, because Koló also liked Tamás. We already experienced reaching the final as a great result, but what the boys produced in the final, that final and that bronze medal … I was sensitive. Very. And when they reached land, the boys said, they were sure they were kneeling in that canoe, not two, but three … “

Róbert Ludasi died on January 3, 2021, at dawn, in his dream. The lover wants to say goodbye to his loved ones in a small circle. The family asks the public to respect their pain and not seek them out. The excellent trainer is considered by the Csepel club and the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association (MKKSZ) as dead.
