Index – Culture – Father Tibi: Who asked you?


He explains his thoughts on many different topics, mainly by dissecting things in different chapters that are a bit new, since in most cases they may be related to the media, but not interesting in the tangible and clear, but in their creation and impact on people.

Máté Tóth, one of the founders of Father Tibi and with a lot of experience during the face, work and media life of the brand,

  • how large multiple companies try to influence people,
  • how social networks affect self-esteem, real relationships.

He started several businesses, which is why in the book he talks about the phenomenon of hated Mondays, the motivation of companies with a pyramid structure and human naivety.

In essence, it really describes the experiences, thoughts and lessons that you have encountered in your life, trying to look behind them in the book.

It’s worth noting that these are his decipherments on specific topics. But you also write that you don’t need to accept them for cash, just try to encourage your readers to

accept nothing, try to examine phenomena that seem clear from the outside.


The book was based in part on his Instagram page, where he keeps questions and answers with his followers on a weekly basis. In the vast majority of cases, people want to talk to him about serious issues and from there he realized that he could also publish it in book form.

We recently talked to him about this as well and what he wanted to write about most of all.

For example, about career choice, further learning. He graduated from medical school, but did not find himself in his profession, but instead made his dreams come true, and because of that, many people look up to him about to graduate, not even knowing what they want for breakfast the next day, let alone do it for the rest of their lives.

Of course, he also doesn’t advise them to open a bar and be opinion leaders, he just emphasizes that everyone is good at something. He also maintains that today it is no longer customary for everyone to be defined by a single profession in their life.

Based on what the doctor has learned, he describes a plethora of behaviors that he supports with anatomical knowledge, such as how the brain works in certain situations.

Don’t get me wrong, Máté Tóth didn’t invent Spanish wax.

He came to his knowledge through his own experiences and mistakes, so it is very likely that for many this book is not new, but it never hurts to rethink our own solutions with other examples.

Writers can now receive direct and quick comments from readers, and Máté Tóth likes to share these letters on his own Instagram page. One thing can definitely be leaked from the comments: people are grateful for this book.

What is perhaps a little lacking in the book is a description of the personal aspect of things.

Although the medical perspectives and anecdotes are good, personal examples from personal writers could also be valuable considerations. However, the lack of personality always implies the formulation of general truths.

At the same time, the book, perhaps precisely because of the shortcomings indicated above, also omits the personality. And this is a hugely positive thing.

So there is no splatter in the book, not even in the negative examples of climbers going up.

It is for these things that this volume can be really useful for young people who are looking for ways and who are influenced by all kinds of millions of pages and omit their thoughts in their decisions.

Perhaps this book is for them, since when reading it, the reader can concentrate on the written text, the thoughts hidden in the sentences.

Somehow we remain human in this impersonal world full of manipulation that affects our inner desires and fears. A person who has a set of values ​​has a moral compass that operates in a healthy range …

Currently, hating, pulling down, splashing, so any activity that does not require a special cognitive function, the fashionable one …

However, I advise you not to save yourself in the easy way, because it is always a trap …

Strive every day to improve!
