Migrants destroy downtown Vienna


The new coronavirus infection was detected in 1,410 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 326,688. Most of the 114 deaths were elderly and chronic, bringing the death toll to 9,781.
Since the afternoon of December 26, health workers have been continuously vaccinated with coronavirus vaccines, said the rector of Semmelweis University in M1.
There are a number of false rumors about vaccines, while Pfizer’s vaccine has already been shown to provide protection against the coronavirus, the human resources minister said.
Miklós Kásler added that it is not vaccination that should be feared, but the risks associated with infection.
Jakab Péterék would silence Jobbik’s membership – writes Magyar Nemzet. The newspaper explains: Jobbik does not dare to call its congress, as the Jakab party leadership fears that its own members would veto participation in the alliance.
The government is gradually beginning to rebuild his 13-month pension, the minister without a portfolio for families said on his Facebook page.
Katalin Novák stated: in February 2021, one week, in 2022 another week, in 2023 another week, and in 2024, those who receive a pension and pension-like benefits will receive an additional month.
Starting in January, there will be no tax on properties purchased at a family home discount, the minister without portfolio for families said on his Facebook page.
Tax relief for families looking for a home and reduced burdens for smaller companies: these were mentioned by András Tállai, Deputy Minister of Finance, as the most important points of the tax changes in 2021 in a statement to the Hungarian Nation.
With the possible victory of the left-wing coalition led by Ferenc Gyurcsány in 2022, the fiscal and social policy that paralyzed families before 2010 may return, the president of the Kopp Mária Institute for Population and Families told the Hungarian Nation.
Tünde Fűrész told the newspaper: The Balliberal governments encouraged tax evasion and then, in the economic crisis, the Gyurcsány-Bajnai government let go of the people and introduced austerity instead of support.
2021 could be a milestone in Hungarian agriculture thanks to the new regulations, writes Magyar Nemzet.
The most important change is the entry into force of the Family Exploitation and Operation of Primary Producers Law, which will help to whiten the economy, reduce administrative burdens and, in general, improve the competitiveness of agriculture.
The number of people living with coronavirus has risen to 83.9 million worldwide. 1.8 million died and 47.3 million were cured.
In Ukraine, around 5,000 new coronavirus infections were recorded on the first day of the new year, almost half the number in the previous two days, and 51 deaths in one day, which is the fewest in a long time.
The Libyan hostages were released by three Russian citizens and one Ukrainian who were kidnapped a few weeks ago, Russian news agencies reported.
“The situation is not rosy” in terms of the amount of vaccines available against the coronavirus, two executives from German BioNTech, Özlem Türeci and Ugur Sahin told the German newspaper Der Spiegel.
As they said, it will be decided at the end of January if they will be able to find a new partner for production and how many more batches they will be able to produce.
While most Western Balkan countries have started to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina does not yet know when the first shipment of vaccines will arrive in the country.
The night curfew due to the coronavirus epidemic will begin two hours earlier, at 6 p.m., in 15 counties in eastern France, a government spokesman said.
A vaccination campaign will be launched in the Vatican with health and safety personnel, and a separate refrigeration unit has been purchased to store the vaccine at the proper temperature, the Vatican City Office of Health and Hygiene said.
Spain has expanded entry restrictions for people from the UK due to a variant of the coronavirus discovered there.
Turkish authorities have detected a new version of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that is spreading more rapidly in 15 UK passengers, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said.
Wearing a mask will be mandatory in Sydney, the capital of the Australian state of New South Wales, where additional restrictions will be introduced after seven more coronavirus infections have been recorded.
The number of reported coronavirus infections in the United States has exceeded 20 million.
The use of a vaccine developed jointly by the University of Oxford and the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has been approved in India, the second most infected country by the coronavirus.
A new version of the coronavirus has also emerged in Vietnam, which was detected in the body of a woman returning from Britain, the health ministry in Hanoi said.
A bus full of passengers was reportedly hijacked by Taliban insurgents in western Afghanistan, and the police also released the passengers who took hostages and the bus driver for a few hours.
A shell slammed into an assembly hall rented for a wedding ceremony in Hodeida in western Yemen on Friday, killing three women and wounding seven.
Some 170 illegal immigrants to Europe were shipped on the civilian ship Open Arms this week in the Mediterranean, according to a Twitter message from the Spanish NGO.
Migrants yelling at Allahu Akbar tore apart downtown Vienna on New Year’s Eve. The windows of several apartments were set off with fireworks. The authorities detained 2 young Austrians, as well as 5 Syrian and 2 Iraqi immigrants.
Eight hundred and sixty-one cars were set on fire in France on New Year’s Eve; Five years ago, the number of burning cars was not so low, which, according to French radio Europe 1, is due to the coronavirus epidemic and the curfew.
Pakistani authorities detained the operational leader of a terrorist organization called Laskar-e-Tajba, responsible for the 2008 Mumbai massacre in Lahore, the Pakistan counterterrorism organization said on Saturday.
At least 56 people were killed and 20 others injured by unknown armed attackers in Niger, the West African country’s interior minister announced.
Day by day, there is a better policeman in Újpest last Thursday, who told me about himself: he remembers every moment of the attack – he said on the M1.
A woman in Óbuda may have killed her own mother, police said.
Premier League: Tottenham Hotspurs-Leeds United 3: 0
Premier League: Crystal Palace-Sheffield United 2: 0
La Liga: Villarreal-Levante 2: 1
La Liga: Real Betis-Sevilla 1: 1
Bundesliga: Hertha BSC-Schalke 04 3-0
Unsurprisingly, Mauricio Pochettino has been appointed head coach of the Paris Saint-Germain soccer team.
Men’s Basketball NB I: Alba Fehérvár – Naturtex-SZTE-Szedeák 78:87
Women’s Handball NB I: FTC-Rail Cargo Hungaria – Kisvárda Master Good SE 34:22
Balázs Szalay and László Bunkoczi are in 52nd position after the first stage of the Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, following the Jeddah prologue of 11 kilometers.
