Index – Economy – Szilvia Agárdi: 2020 was also a year of life inward for the seers


In his dissertation, he investigated career opportunities for the disabled, including the visually impaired. What are the job prospects for a person with a disability today, including a person with visual impairment?

It is surprising how unexplored this issue is in Hungary as a whole. Like many people in Hungary they are unaware of the concepts of integration and segregation. The latter means that when people with the same problem learn together, they live in community. The integration I grew up in is the opposite. Unlike integration, segregation carries the risk that a person with a disability, outside their own environment, will discover that others do not understand their problems. Because of this, he is afraid of starting to feel false guilt for this, he will turn to himself, so he will not be able to take the rhythm of society, which will isolate him even more.

According to them, can a visually impaired person find work today relatively?

Yes, because on the one hand employers are not prepared, for example, there is no magnifying glass on the computers, as well as the buildings are not accessible and the workplace would not be well received. On the other hand, the visually impaired person himself does not dare to enter the labor market because he is afraid of the challenge, precisely because of a segregated upbringing. He leaves school, in a good case he graduates with great difficulty and then goes to call centers. It may seem banal, but many of them have already withdrawn from a job interview because they are less demanding about their appearance. She comes in wearing a wrinkled sweater and greasy hair, although we must bear in mind that seers are visual. However, I also learned to dress well based on the material of the clothes, as well as to put on makeup and make sure my hair was beautiful. Not because it is the most important thing in life, but because the world is visual. I am not so in vain.

Family history plays a particularly important role in this, as ab ovo it is not the child’s decision in which system to learn and grow. In the end, why didn’t they enroll their parents in the institute for the blind?

Obviously, there are families where circumstances do not allow them to take special care of the child in their own circle, for which they are forced to be admitted to an institution where the child receives adequate support. While it’s also possible to fully understand them, I keep saying that I was very lucky. My mother has played many developmental games with me since I was a newborn, my parents also brought them separately for development, while always treating me like my other three sighted siblings. They also took me in the same way, for example, to climb a hay bale, build a bungee, swim to Lake Balaton, etc. At the end of kindergarten, many also encouraged my mother to admit her to the institute for the blind in Budapest. He, on the other hand, didn’t want me to be separated from the family at such a young age, which would have been a great break for everyone.

After that, as a blind single girl, how well did the integration go into elementary school?

My mother handled a lot of mangoes and with one exception was rejected everywhere because they did not have an effective idea of ​​how to approach me. No wonder, because in 2003, when I became the first, there were even fewer, in fact, there was no fashion for integration. The institution where I studied in Rezi (a small town in Zala county, 8 km from Keszthely – HA) was declared a priority institution in terms of special education at that time. This meant, among other things, that professionals and educators came to study all over the country, and we showed in open classes how to teach a child with a shoe with me to others, how my classmates relate to me, etc. .

And how?

For example, during the lesson, I also did the Coopert test with the others, I once won a foot race among the spectators, just like my drawing was submitted to a drawing contest. The teacher in my class very kindly explained to the others that Szilvi has this problem, that it is not really a problem, and that he is just like you. We study in groups, forming pairs of students according to their strengths and weaknesses.

How much has the system evolved since then? How much easier would your mother be today?

Since then, there has been a turn of at least 180 degrees. Today, many more educators are prepared to receive children with disabilities and the institutions themselves receive much more support, both in terms of equipment and development. While thanks to modern technology, reading programs and their peers to help the visually impaired are becoming more advanced. Compared to the fact that at that time, I was still receiving the same printed textbook as my classmates. At most, I read the lesson on a TV reader because I have a little residual vision.

Let’s jump in time! How did you go? How difficult was your college life?

I studied at the Budapest Metropolitan University, where I was also very lucky because I always had the opportunity to answer verbally in zh and exams. The magnifying glass read the notes and I memorized them. I remember when I graduated, one of my high school teachers told me that I shouldn’t just study economics, but rather study psychology or choose a music career and enroll in the conservatory.

And you just for him chose an economic line, while many agree which professions are exclusively for a blind person with visual impairment?

In fact, it wasn’t easy after that, especially in statistics, economic math, and finance, and of course I wanted to show that even a visually impaired person can start with this shirt. While there is no nuance when someone with visual impairment says, I am not queuing. It could easily be that your background and circumstances don’t allow you to live up to your ambitions. Many times, mainly because they don’t know how to treat the person well. On the other hand, more than once people with visual impairments locked themselves in, without telling the outside world exactly what they would need.

What do you think is the correct attitude? How can a majority society help?

Perhaps the biggest help is openness, communication, and creativity. I often feel that many people in Hungary live inward rather than open up to the other person. It can also be important if a sighted person receives rejection from a visually impaired person, do not take it for granted or consider it personal. I have come across the reaction several times that it no longer helps the visually impaired because I had rejected it ugly in the past, she said when she wanted to accompany me through the zebra. Meanwhile, that visually impaired person may have had a bad day, we do not know their background. You should not give this up just yet, because the help is useful.

In comparison, how can the responsibility of the visually impaired be captured on the other side?

I mentioned that many visually impaired people lock themselves in, so it will also transmit inaccessibility with its radiation. After that, I would focus on making the visually impaired dare to open up, change, try new things, etc.

After graduation, how deeply did you, if you like, have a lifestyle change when you entered the job market? This is obviously a challenging process for many, regardless of their visual impairment.

Since I met a lot of people through singing and always tried to consciously build my relationships, I already got a job at university, I worked for a company as a human resources assistant.

By voice, what can be said about the suitability of a prospective employee?

I have found that visionaries often make 70 to 80 percent of their impressions on images, on their composition, on the body language they sit on, their holding hands, etc. And last time they pay attention to the sounds. While it says a lot about a person’s personality, how enthusiastic or unreliable they are.

Are you still working as HR?

Yes, although I also work for Baptist Charity Service and have been running my own business for years, mainly in the line of music and advertising. I also perform and give awareness-raising lectures, especially in schools, to future generations on how they can help a visually impaired person.

He is known as a great athlete. With so much work, when is there time to train?

Sports also fit into my private life because love has not found me yet.

How Men Usually Approach Him During Dating quite a successful graduate young for a visually impaired girl?

So far I have had many blinds. But joke aside, I’m not in an easy position. When browsing my social sites and writing, do children need relatively dense lighting to listen? Otherwise, is it okay not to see me? Don’t be silly, it didn’t fall based on your photo; the answer comes most of the time. So countless times I have to confront myself for thinking about the other seer. Not only does the other have to fully accept who I am, it’s also difficult because girls run after boys these days, so the classic courtship process is missing. But why would they fight for us if three women offered themselves on a platter at the same time? At 25, that’s why I can’t get to know my own age group, much more with older men.

What is the typical reaction when you communicate that you do not see?

Oh, okay, he says, then disappears. Obviously he doesn’t want to hurt me out of discretion, or he’s coming out with me out of discretion. The problem is that many times he writes for someone who should not, because even the blind can see his appearance.

Have you ever considered becoming an equal opportunity activist? Among other things, make viewers more tolerant and discreet with you on a date?

I want to defend my colleagues and show with youthful vigor that it is possible to live a full life even as a visually impaired person. With 80,000 visually impaired people currently living in Hungary and 6,000 visually impaired each year, the figures would be to serve the interests of who to represent.

What do you experience, what are the biggest debts of decision makers with visual impairment so far?

The problems are quite complex, so it is quite difficult to single out one. Because, for example, it is a daily difficulty that the issuer of the serial number does not speak at the post office, like many ATMs. A sufficient number of zebras still do not have a free hand, and paper coins are less palpable for different denominations. And many times, accessibility will be more damaging to the blind in the end than using it because it is not tested on a sufficiently involved person, it is simply built on.

This year, perhaps none of us had a peak year in our lives. With what balance do you close the year 2020?

In the name of quarantine, lack of human connections, and isolation, I think this year was also a year of inner life for the seers. I also looked at many things on my own, did not see a single mistake in what should be changed. It is true that my vision has deteriorated this year going down from 7-9 percent to 1-2 percent, it was also another lesson to practice humble acceptance and carry with dignity what destiny gives me.

What internal resources were you able to reach that helped you overcome the crisis?

God, in whom I firmly believe, has helped me a lot to overcome obstacles. Also, I try to select my friends to have a positive impact on me. My family also helped a lot this time, as did my girlfriend, the pianist Szilvia Kárászi. Interestingly, many people wonder why I don’t have friends who are visually impaired. That doesn’t mean that I’m distancing myself from my peers. It is more like that, since I have always lived among seers, I feel almost seer.

(Cover Image: Attila Trenka / Index)
