Fidesz comedy album: Iván Bagi de Orbán’s New Year’s Eve parody is much more restrained than the real Orbán


For years, Iván Bagi and Olivér Nacsa have been the only true innovators of humorous New Year’s Eve shows: in 2018 and 2019 they managed to create a parody of Viktor Orbán that would practically go to a simple speech by the prime minister, only more restrained and less fun .

The task, so that the prime minister is not offended even by accident, was also fulfilled in the current program. The speech will be broadcast on the Danube television program starting at 40:17, in which Orbán, who is buzzing in Parliament, parasitizing on holiday speeches and promoting a migrant-free zone, would give a more characteristic speech in mid-steam.

Photo: Duna Tv

Full text of the speech:

“Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends! First of all, let me address you with a voice of thanks at the end of the year. After all, the sea of ​​our turbulent history has made even bigger waves this year. But we Hungarians are like that.

We are used to fighting, fighting and fighting. This year, moreover, the enemy did not attack on the ground, nor in the water, but in the air, with the exception of the migrants in tunnels. And although Hungary has excellent strength thanks to developments in recent years, a completely different kind of protection was needed here.

And now I am pleased to inform you that Hungary has become the most successful defensive country in the world. After George Soros and Brussels, we are also trying to stop the virus. It is true that we also had to close the country in spring, but at the same time we tried to help with an unprecedented rescue package that we could.

We have a difficult year behind us, but we still have something to be happy about. After all, despite all these difficulties, we can also report many positive aspects. Think of the successes of Fradi or our national team. Victory is not always true success, but justice.

We’ve put health care in order, doubled the salaries of those who work there, and abolished gratitude money. Building on this, we hope that much more efficient, transparent and clean healthcare will serve the citizens of Hungary next year.

Even in these tumultuous times, we had to repel the attacks of the Libernyas, but we are like a Szekler man with a hungry bear: if he can no longer feed it, he will rather chase it away and hope it never returns.

As for me, I recently agreed with Finance Minister Mihály Varga, and I am pleased to announce that we have a very promising year ahead of us, which will undoubtedly be difficult, but will hopefully bring the economic recovery that we have truly earned.

With these thoughts, I wish you a successful, healthy and happy new year. Come on Hungary, come on Hungarians! “

Of course, the old-fashioned and conservative parody of Olivér Gyurcsány by Ferenc (starting at 10 p.m.), in which Gergely Karácsony paints a bike path behind the controversial DK president, could not be left out, according to his own recognition.

Source: Duna Tv

According to Iván Bagi, the humorist must approach public figures with affection, not make fun of them, and believes that for a long time they have received good reviews on left-wing surfaces, but since he has to be honest about certain public issues, that has changed .

I hope that next year Iván Bagi will also “discover” the impersonator of Orbán Boros Bánk Levente.

