In the meantime, there will be debates and blinks, but that’s natural among Democrats, he wrote in his New Year’s greeting.

It will prepare supporters of the democratic opposition for great debates in the New Year’s greeting from Ferenc Gyurcsány, president of the Democratic Coalition. According to the politician, 2021 will be a year of preparation for the Hungarian democrats to replace the regime. There will be debates, explosions and even blinks, which, according to him, is a natural part of democratic competition.

Those who want a democratic Hungary must not be afraid of democratic debates.

– wrote in his Facebook post:

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Máté Kocsis saw Gyurcsány's Christmas playlist
At home

… And it was not useful, although the former prime minister exposed himself: he published a selection on Spotify titled Very Feri Christmas.


At home

According to Zsolt Semjén, Ferenc Gyurcsány has a deep dislike for the affairs of the nation and Hungarians abroad.