Trump: “We will end the epidemic forever”


He praised the fight against the epidemic and the rapid development of the vaccine in the outgoing president’s New Year’s speech.

He praised the rapid development of the coronavirus vaccine, the extraordinary perseverance and strength of the Americans. Donald trump In his New Years video posted on Twitter. The resigned US president called the speed of vaccine development a “real and unprecedented miracle,” saying the vaccine will be available to all Americans starting in 2021, the MTI was quoted as saying.

It reminded him that while it generally takes ten years to develop a vaccine, the United States has done it in nine months.

We will end the epidemic forever

He promised, adding that people should not forget where the virus came from. Trump thanked the researchers, military and doctors who made the work possible and praised the economic stimulus measures imposed because of the epidemic.

He also spoke about stopping migration, which he said defended the interests of American workers, and stressed that Washington had managed to make a “historic peace” in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, US health officials warned this week that a rapidly spreading mutation had already emerged in the coronavirus, which had first been identified in southeast England a few weeks ago.

The president, who interrupted his vacation in Florida, where he had originally planned to spend the New Year, returned to the White House on Wednesday. Although he did not state the reason for his decision, analysts recall that tensions between Tehran and Washington escalated in the last weeks of his presidency. They fear that Iran wants to retaliate Kasim Suleiman, the death of a general who led the elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, with whom a US drone struck near the Baghdad airport a year ago.

The White House announced the change to the president’s program shortly thereafter on Wednesday. Josh hawley, The Republican Senator from Missouri announces that next week he will officially challenge the outcome of the US presidential election. Joe biden won.
