At midnight, the RTL Club proved that we could even live in a normal country.


Healthcare, Roma girl, intellectual and mobility disability, Krishna (or something like that), retiree, policeman. They sang the Anthem at the RTL Club at midnight and while playing music by the musicians of the Budapest Festival Orchestra, in a choir.

Later, the director, Iván Fischer, talked about how if we keep our distance, put on the mask and get vaccinated, in a few months we can hug each other again and feel that we are together. Then, in addition to a happy new year, he wished everyone the best, health and community.

If János Áder had a sense of the soul of the people, instead of his New Year’s greeting, he would say more or less the same, in a good half minute, without any unnecessary seriousness. In the first minutes after 2020, there was so much pathos.

However, the RTL Club did not stop there, that the Anthem belongs to everyone, the gypsies, the wounded, the purple and the false singers are Hungarians, and together we tear ourselves apart. The second two and a half minutes showed Hungarian adults with families, which, strangely enough in 2020, was quite a surprising move.

The antecedent of the case was that on December 24, the news was spread by the government media that the day before an ultra-conservative NGO had announced a boycott against the RTL Club because it had been presented by the Background Society for Rainbow Families as a social advertisement before of Christmas. The family is the family some details of his short film. The boycott call didn’t get much echo: people, despite all the rumors to the contrary, are not stupid and at Christmas they don’t necessarily want to hate them anyway.

The RTL Club now took another step forward. In the post-Anthem build

  • single mother
  • single father
  • grandmother raising her granddaughter alone
  • male couple with child
  • large family couple
  • heterosexual couple with two children
  • lesbian couple with two children

spoke about what it means to the child, the family, how they survived 2020.

They talked about the most ordinary things, in ordinary language. And as I watched RTL’s movie about building the brand to feel good, I couldn’t help but think how damn good it would be if a movie with images like that didn’t have a message or informational value, it wouldn’t mean anything. If nothing in the world were clearer than that, it is not the family as our politicians call it and its laws, but what it appears to be.
