Index – National – János Áder: Let’s be grateful in 2021


In his New Year’s greeting, President János Áder said that this anniversary is not like the others: our Easter, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, national holidays, friends’ gatherings and family gatherings were different due to the corona virus.

Almost none of us today would not have been affected by the epidemic. We still have to worry about relatives, relatives, colleagues, friends.

The President of the Republic commented.

Áder went on to say that “we all long to return to our lives free of viruses, the gifts, opportunities and freedom that we used to so naturally take advantage of. We all miss company, hospitality, travel, community bonding, liberated vacations. We want to see the smile again, the happiness on the other side, again we want to shake the hand that extends us with friendship without worries. We already want to break down barriers, to return to a life with a less painful resignation. “

The President of the Republic also spoke in his ceremonial salute that there is a heroic fight in our hospitals even at this time, where doctors, nurses, assistants and paramedics make decisions that save lives.

This is why Áder asked Hungarians to make a serious decision this year instead of the traditional New Year’s receptions:

be grateful in 2021.

We are grateful for the heroic work of those who work in the health and social sectors.

In his speech, the President of the Republic also highlighted scientists, teachers, those who work in the fields and factories, businessmen and police, whom we also thank for their efforts.
