János Áder: Let’s be grateful in 2021!


Instead of the traditional New Year greetings, let us now make a serious decision: to be grateful in 2021 for the lives we were able to save and for the moving moments that helped each other, President János Áder said in his New Year greeting.

The head of state stressed that due to the coronavirus epidemic, this anniversary is not like the others.
Our Easter, Advent, Christmas were different from our traditions, and now our New Years Eve is different.He stated, then recalled, “last year around this time we could still forget about a happy new year,” then just a few weeks passed, and New Year’s confidence was replaced by fear and uncertainty.
He stressed that “almost none of us today would not have been closely affected by the epidemic.”

“We all yearn for a virus-free life, whose gifts, opportunities and freedom we used to seize so naturally” – said the President of the Republic.

He is stressed we want to break down barriers, we want to return to a life in which there is a less painful resignation.

János Áder underlined, “there is a heroic struggle in our hospitals even at this moment”: doctors, nurses, assistants, paramedics are making decisions that save lives even now, in the early hours of the new year.
“Can we ever thank you for that? Can we thank you for the endless change?” I ask.
The head of state asked everyone to thank the heroic work of those who work in the health and social institutions because they did not give up for a single minute.

Let’s thank the scientists because their research is helping to better understand the recently unknown enemy and they are working on a safe vaccination, an effective therapy! – He said.

He also said that teachers and educators should be thankful that they adapted over and over again and continued their work with heart and soul even in the changing circumstances.

Let us thank those who work in the fields and factories, the vendors, the suppliers, the police, because the country has worked and continues to work for them.János Áder declared.

President János Áder and sign translator Fanni Weisz, deaf activist for equal opportunities in the television recording of the New Year’s greeting from the Head of State at the Sándor Palace on December 29, 2020Source: MTI / Tibor Illyés

The President of the Republic said: “Let us appreciate the good words, the gratitude, the discipline, the mutual attention, the acceptance of the truth, the observance of the rules, the putting in the background of our own needs and interests.”

“Let there be fewer questions and more acceptance now, less doubts and more confidence!” I ask.

At the end of his speech, quoting the Apostle Paul, he said: “Appreciate those who work among you, live in peace with each other, embrace the weak, be patient with everyone, fight for the good of others at all times and give thanks for everything. “

“To this end, I wish you all strength, including patience, physical and mental healing and health for the new year.” János Áder closed his speech.

The New Year’s greeting from the President of the Republic was again translated into sign language by deaf and hard of hearing spectators by Fanni Weisz Fanni.
