Index – National – Seven hundred billion for the development of health care in the counties of the capital and Pest


The government provides special support for the renovation of the Hungarian healthcare system, for which it will provide almost 9 billion HUF more for two developments in Budapest, the Ministry of Human Resources informed MTI.

In specialized outpatient care, approximately half of the nearly 70 million doctor-patient meetings per year are held in institutions in the capital and county of Pest. Therefore, the state

Allocates 700 billion HUF for the development of hospitals and specialized clinics in the capital and county of Pest by 2026

as part of the Healthy Budapest Program (EBP).

According to government resolutions published in Thursday’s edition of Magyar Közlöny, the government will provide an additional 8.8 billion HUF for two developments in Budapest. The government’s decision provides an additional 6.1 billion HUF for the North Central Buda Center, New St. John’s Hospital and Clinic – XII. District specialized clinic (Hegyvidéki), as well as an additional source of 2.7 billion HUF for the XVII Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital. District (Rákosmente) Specialized Medical Clinic. In addition, the continuous improvement of the level of specialized outpatient care in the institutions of the counties of the capital and Pest and the development of related infrastructure was considered important.

Of particular importance is the renovation of hospital institutions that also provide specialized care, such as the North-Central Center of Buda, the New St. John Hospital and Clinic and the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital and Clinic, which provide medical care to residents of various districts of Budapest. . They added that when using budgetary resources, the government also takes into account the efficiency and effectiveness aspects that contribute to the achievement of the aforementioned goals.

The increase in resources was justified by the fact that for some specialty clinics involved in EBP developments, there was a legitimate need to implement additional developments that would help to increase capacity significantly. It was pointed out that, for this reason, it was necessary to increase the amount allocated to the development of the two institutions, taking into account medical and other objective considerations.
