János Gíbölgyi, Judit Hernádi, Henrik Havas once again flatter Gyurcsány in the Weekly Week and scold everyone who doesn’t think like them


The Presidency of the Republic and Márton Gulyás, who destroyed the building of the State Audit, proclaimed the “stars” of the Weekly for a recording on the internet. In addition to Judit Hernádi, János Gíbölgyi and Henrik Havas, there were also András Hajós, László Kéri, who appeared in later years, and a man who, if we remember correctly, called himself a production director. Or editor-in-chief. Although this does not matter in this case. The style is exactly what you might expect: nasty profanity, embarrassing jokes, hatred for the current government and, of course, worship of Gyurcsány. Or let’s be clear: presumably it’s not even worship, but a respectful push toward the old-new boss on the left. And of course your excuse. The shameful position alongside Gyurcsány cannot be a coincidence. After all, under his leadership, the entire left came together, it was announced a week and a half ago. And here it is, Weekly Weekly, 2020. The show on RTL Klub had already failed years ago, and then a show that had been canceled with great difficulty came back once. Fortunately, you must remember this world, his world. And now they have thoroughly shown and remembered what their world is like.

At first, the production manager begins to scold Jenő Csiszár. Of course, it’s understandable, as Csiszár has become Consul General in Milan in recent years, and the former production manager (or editor-in-chief) is apparently struggling with quite different issues. Then they scold László Jáksó, which is also understandable on his part, again he is just a successful person, moreover, he is much more resourceful and popular than all of them. By the way, even Márton Gulyás had a lot of Henrik Havas alpine tone here. (By the way, the atmosphere of the meeting is demonstrated by the fact that Márton Gulyás was by far the most restrained of them).

Of course, the current week of Internet Weekly is also fun several times. In some ways.

For left-wing merchants, it’s a lot of fun to look down on women (they say women can’t be resourceful). By the way, Judit Hernádi also agreed with this. And Henrik Havas is always funny when he calls himself a “teacher” and calls Sándor Fábry, who is a lighter and more educated year, without reading, or just swears he was the role model of one of the characters in twenty years of the Big Brother program. . Obviously. Not to mention when he tells you three times in one sentence how awful, huge, he won for a morning show.

But there are other fun parts. According to political scientist László Kéri, Weekly Week was the first real HUNGARIAN television program and, according to him, several members of the Fidesz government told him in 2002 that they had lost the elections because of him. That also sounds very credible. The fall of the government, for example, is due to the humorist Tivadar Farkasházy, who considers himself an expert on Wagner. Obviously. And András Hajós, at least honestly, reflects on the fact that his (left) bias can be boldly accepted. (Weekly to weekly: suppose).

Of course, there is a sad part.

János Givelölgyi is currently practicing his professionSource: MTI / Zsolt Szigetváry

János Givelölgyi. An undoubtedly popular comedian. In Weekly Weeks, he did it cleverly for a long time: he scolded, of course, he scolded Fidesz, but unlike others he was cautious and rarely clever, rather than just clowning around. And that goes for him. It didn’t even affect his popularity. Neither did he, because he did not reach the vast majority of viewers, when he tried more serious roles. The theatrical dreams of a man who expanded beyond his own capabilities, without self-criticism, were only known in a narrower circle. So I wasn’t in a position to just be laughed at.

You could say that a 72-year-old man who was greyed out at work deserves respect.

Now, however, he no longer recognizes his limitations in his Weekly Figure of the Week; this time he speaks as a kind of political analyst. (At the beginning of the recording, Ján Gértölgyi says this about his speech at Őszöd and its dramatic consequences:

According to him, the great discontent after the autumn speech – and now there is an appointment – “was a coup against Gyurcsány, with which many people fell in love. If someone had read that speech by Gyurcsány, the one in autumn, they would know that it was not it was about what was spun, that he was used to fucking, fucking the whole city. “

By the way, the desperate defender of András Hajós was attacked by the Givelölgyi in 2006 and now, because at that time Hajós went to Hír TV and asked Gyurcsány to resign for the sake of peace.

Of course, László Kéri was especially angry, as he wants to show that only he can intervene in politics, only he can be a policy maker. (We don’t know if he was ever truly left-wing, but no one is curious about his opinion now – his confusing ATV interviews reveal enough.) So in December 2020, the leftist political scientist recalls 2006:

“In November, Zita and we went to Fleto too, and we said, damn, it’s been so far, and you better hand it over to Gordon.”

Well, that was it, that was his world. This is your world.
