Stanley Johnson wants to remain an EU citizen even after Brexit.

French Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the father of the British Prime Minister, is applying for French citizenship to stay connected to the European Union. Stanley Johnson spoke on a French radio station Thursday as the transition period after British membership in the EU ends.

“It’s not that I’m going to be French, as far as I know, I’m French. My mother was born in France, her mother was completely French, as was her grandfather.”

Stanley Johnson said in French on RTL radio. Of course, it is not difficult to find other antecedents in his family than English: his maternal grandmother was Anglo-Swiss, his maternal grandfather was Turkish and in his paternal branch his grandmother was French and his grandfather German.

Stanley Johnson was one of the first British civil servants in Brussels, Conservative Member of the European Parliament from 1979 to 1984.

His daughter, Rachel Johnson, also indicated that she was applying for French citizenship.

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