Here is the latest news on the epidemic situation in Hungary. live from operational staff briefing


The Task Force will also hold a press conference on the last day of the year to present the latest information on the coronavirus epidemic. Our article is constantly updated.

187 people have been prosecuted in the last 24 hours for violating their mask wearing obligations, Lt. Col. Róbert Kiss said. He added that 16 people had been confronted by the police during the last day in public transport and at stops, while 16 people had been subjected to other closed inspections in the regulations for breach of the mask obligation. The curfew has been violated by 339 people in the last 24 hours. The curfew came into effect on November 4, which was replaced on November 11 by a curfew. As of November 4, the police had to take action against more than 18,000 criminals.

Passengers have been screened since September and so far 9,011 police actions have been taken against people who did not comply.

The police have personally verified those in official home quarantine 9675 times the day before. On Wednesday, 2,992 restrictive measures of this type were ordered and 17,704 are currently in official home quarantine.

Cecília Müller said that the number of infected people had increased by 2,971 in the last 24 hours and 108 patients had died. The epidemic continues, all ages are affected, but most of the deaths are still elderly, with chronic diseases, added the national chief physician. He also highlighted that 150,102 have already been cured and 162,875 active infections have been counted. There are currently 5,856 hospitalized coronavirus patients, 402 of whom are on ventilators.

Last year it was about the pandemic, but at the same time we have become more confident in recent days, ”said Cecília Müller. On the last day of the year, we look back, we look to the future with confidence in Hope, who is completely well founded, since the effective vaccine has arrived in Hungary, said the chief doctor. The lives of all of us changed, turned upside down, made different by the coronavirus. Our entire year has been one of defense. We are entering 2021 so that, although the pandemic is present, the new year is already beginning with effective vaccines available. This weapon is in our hands, “he added.

On the last day of the year, Cecília Müller thanked health workers, police officers, soldiers, the National Center for Public Health, the media for keeping up with the evolution of the press, and thanked people for following the rules . The work of those involved in defense continues to advance vigorously, the biggest challenge we face is organizing the administration of vaccines, he added.

Last day, another 70,000 vaccines were received, bringing the number to 80,000. They can vaccinate 40,000 health workers, he said. In addition to several hospitals in Budapest, it also delivered blinds to Győr, Kecskemét, Szolnok, Tatabánya, Kaposvár, Pécs, Miskolc, Szeged, Székesfehérvár, Debrecen, Balassagyarmat, Szombathely, Veszprém, Nyíregysa and Békés, Ecstasy. Therefore, vaccination can be recorded at 25 vaccination points for healthcare workers. They are followed by residents of social institutions, followed by those with chronic diseases. We will be vaccinating according to the vaccination plan, ”said the national medical director, who was pleased that many were interested in the vaccine.

Let us protect each other, let us protect our own lives – Cecília Müller told the Hungarian people, who asked everyone to also maintain broad cooperation next year.

Kindergarten and school workers have the opportunity to book an appointment online for a preschool rapid test in early January until 8 p.m., the national medical director said.

I wish you all good health next year. I ask everyone to cooperate with authorities in 2021, he said. I wish you all a blessed, peaceful and Covid-free New Year, ”said Cecília Müller.

Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss drew attention to the fact that there is a curfew between 8 pm and 5 am tonight, everyone must get home by 8 pm. An exception to this is work. Anyone who does not comply can expect a fine. He said the army is also helping the police to work tonight.

Cecília Müller, national medical director, answered a press question and explained that we have a dynamically expanding vaccination schedule. How to expand the circle depends solely on the amount of vaccine received, he stated.

Twenty-one vaccination points for health personnel are already vaccinated

The number of identified coronavirus infections in Hungary increased by almost 3,000, while 108 chronic patients, mostly elderly, died. However, there are already 150,102 people recovering from the disease. Twenty-one vaccination points for health personnel are already being vaccinated. Enforcement of security measures is still very important, and the curfew from eight in the afternoon to five in the morning will apply tonight on New Year’s Eve.

So far, a total of 80,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine have arrived in Hungary, allowing 40,000 health workers to be vaccinated. The vaccines, which arrived on Wednesday, have already been delivered at 21 hospital vaccination points. More shipments will arrive in the coming weeks and vaccination could continue at that rate.

A shipment of Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccines will be delivered in the special refrigerators of the Dermatology and Allergology Clinic of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Clinical Center of the University of Szeged on December 30, 2020.Source: MTI / Rosta Tibor

So far, nearly 600,000 people have signed up to receive the vaccine. It is also worth registering so that the authorities can contact applicants.
