Public debts and liquidations are behind Facebook’s Hungarian rival


The new Hungarian social network launched by the Hungarian nation as a censored Hungarian version of Facebook for the attention of the government-side audience started with a dubious business background.

The operation of the Hungarian community platform called Hundub started without much publicity in early December. Viktor Orbán however, it was registered among the first users. The Prime Minister’s site has been posting the same posts and photos since Christmas as on Facebook. On December 25, for example, a photo was posted here showing the prime minister in the company of his youngest grandson, who brought more than 100,000 likes to Orbán on Facebook, but so far only four hundred on Hundubon.

The new Hungarian community site really came into the spotlight after the December 27 Hungarian Nation article. The brief emphasized that Hundub Hungary could be a response to the continued and unjustified censorship of Facebook – a social site that does not enforce politically-based bans.

Responding to the daily recommendation Ákos Hadházy a day later he wrote about it: according to him, it is no coincidence that the propaganda press began to support the “deep Hungarian supplementary nest” with steam force. The independent opposition MP finds it conceivable that the government, which often conflicts with Facebook, would eventually switch to the number one community site on this platform. According to Hadházy, the suspicion is reinforced by the fact that behind the platform an offshore company has also appeared, so it cannot be ruled out that “Orban’s dirty money” was used to launch it.

In fact, the founders did not provide much information on the financial background of Facebook’s domestic competitor, which is interesting because Hundub was ringed not only as a censorship but also as an ad-free site – that is, rejecting traditional sources of income.

The social site is owned by a company with a similar name, established only a few months ago. Hundub Kereskedelmi és Szolgálató Kft., Registered in Debrecen on September 1, was founded by two individuals and an offshore company in Belize.

Szabolcs Kollár and a statement in various places as managing founder Csaba Pál According to Opten’s company data, he has no business or financial background, he has not been involved in any companies before, but the Hungarian representative of the third owner has accumulated a wide range of even adventurous experiences, but he also cannot show much business success.

The new Hungarian community site appears to be owned by Murmurati Limited, a company registered in an offshore Central American paradise. Murmuratit is a resident of Hódmezővásárhely Mihály Rácz represents his homeland, who, unlike others, has also worked as a business owner and manager in various national ltd. However, according to Opten, all the companies have been dissolved or forced to liquidate in recent years.

According to the company’s database, Rácz gained ownership and management positions in seven companies in a decade, but in 2017, all were declared insolvent. Sárvár-Bau Építőipari Kft., Based in Hódmezővásárhely, was also among the bankrupt companies, whose mandatory cancellation was ordered by the Szeged Court Registry Court in 2016, because it owed almost HUF 62 million to NAV and left a settlement of HUF 678,000 in the municipality of Sárvár. bill. In connection with the case, the court also convicted the director of the company and prohibited Rácz from being a senior official of another company, a member with sole or majority participation. The ban is valid for five years from the effective date of the court decision in 2016.

Also, according to IT experts interviewed by, the site may initially have serious security issues. In addition to increasing the level of data security risk from an owner with an unclear background, the operators also made a fundamental mistake: they forgot to disable the directory listing feature, so the file structure of the web application was visible until it sent a goodwill warning. On the occasion of one of the announcements, it also turned out that a single developer is trying to keep the Hungarian challenger from Facebook running, which has been buried so much by so much work that many times “only coffee holds it together.” also contacted the company at the email address provided on the Hundub page and at the Csaba Pál phone number, but to no avail, our questions were not answered.
