There will be another dose of the flu vaccine in January


A press conference of the operative strain also revealed that 3,789 healthcare workers have been vaccinated against the coronavirus so far.

In several batches, the Pfizer vaccine will gradually arrive in Hungary, he said. Müller Cecília at the operational staff press conference on Wednesday. He recalled that in the morning another 70,000 doses of vaccines had arrived in Hungary, of which 35,000 health workers would be vaccinated, and also said that the vaccination plan is going well, so far 3,789 have been vaccinated.

The national medical director noted that vaccination was started for the first time in five locations, but the number of vaccination points will increase to 21 as of Wednesday. First of all, the personnel of the institutions that host the vaccination points will be vaccinated as soon as it has been carried out, and the employees of the health institutions close to the vaccination points will continue to be vaccinated. At the beginning of next year, they will be vaccinated in 25 points and after health workers, there will be workers and residents of social institutions.

Along with the letters and online registration, there are about 600,000 people who want to get vaccinated,

Müller Cecília declared. Those who have not yet registered can do so without changes, without a time limit, he added.

The vaccine has a strict order, so whoever applies it first receives a questionnaire about whether there is any risk, what diseases they have had or whether they have had any reaction to a previous vaccination. “It is always the vaccinator who decides the vaccination,” said the medical director.

Cecília Müller reiterated that two vaccines are needed to achieve maximum immunity and that full protection will be achieved within two weeks after the second vaccination. The second dose is administered 21 days after the first vaccination. The vaccinator will receive a vaccination record for vaccination, which will also indicate when the second dose should be administered. Declared by:

We should not be afraid of vaccines because vaccines have already been tested.

Vaccines already have a history, the medical director noted, and they didn’t have to be developed from scratch because research on the SARS1 and MERS viruses has served as the foundation for current vaccines. Allergic reactions can occur very rarely, so vaccines are equipped to respond locally, but this is not new, it has been so far, added Cecília Müller.

Answers to journalistic questions

  • The average age of the deceased remained unchanged between 75 and 76 years, and no chronic disease was found in 3 percent of all deaths to date. With this 3 percent, only the coronavirus was the cause of death.
  • The Sputnik V vaccine is stored at the National Center for Public Health and the vaccine is being tested in a scientific collaboration. For now, the investigation has begun.
  • The new mutant strain, first identified by the British, is spreading much faster than the known coronavirus, but does not cause more severe symptoms than the previous version. Simultaneously with the mutation, NNK also began testing the samples to see if the new version had also appeared in Hungary. At present, it has not been identified in Hungary.
  • There is no influenza pandemic in Hungary. According to Müller, this is due to two things: on the one hand, many people have been vaccinated against the flu and, on the other hand, people wear masks and wash their hands regularly. Another dose of the flu vaccine will be available in January, so more people will be able to get vaccinated.
  • Everyone should be prepared so that the coronavirus vaccination takes about half an hour, because after the vaccination, there will be another observation period of about 15 minutes at the vaccination site so that if someone has an allergic reaction, they can treat it. Food and other allergies alone do not mean that someone cannot get vaccinated.
  • Many people are interested in the vaccination plan, so it will be made public.
