This week another 21 vaccination points will open in Hungary, in the new round the GPs can already request the vaccine. They are prepared for allergic reactions to vaccines, and in the case of people with allergies, the vaccine doctor will decide if they can receive the coronavirus drug.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

The national medical director, Cecília Müller, began the press conference of the operational staff on Wednesday, saying that 70,000 vaccines had arrived in Hungary in the morning, which is enough to vaccinate 35,000 health workers. More shipments will arrive in the coming weeks. Those who work on emergency, intensive care or coronavirus patients may have already been vaccinated, now they are starting to vaccinate other healthcare workers. In the first 4 days, 3,789 workers were vaccinated.

Müller also said that the number of vaccination sites will increase to 21. Workers in institutions are vaccinated first, but now GPs are expanding. Contact details for the vaccine are posted on their websites and can be contacted.

There will be 25 vaccination points early next year and workers and residents of social homes will come as planned, he said.

So far, a total of 600,000 people have applied for vaccination, 462,000 have registered on the website and 136,000 have registered. Those who have not yet registered can do so without a time limit. According to Müller, they help a lot in their work because that is how they know how to organize vaccines.

On the daily data, said the national medical director, in the last 24 hours of 1972 another infected person was diagnosed. There are 137 new victims of the coronavirus in Hungary, and with them the number of victims of the epidemic rose to 9,429.

He also talked about wastewater data in Müller, Debrecen and Kaposvár measuring an increasing trend, while in Eger, Győr and Szombathely a decreasing trend. In the other places, the concentration was moderate and did not vary.

Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss spoke about the police measures: in the last 24 hours, the mask use rules have been violated in 227 cases. Police took action against 333 people for violating the curfew, including 2 dog walkers who violated the 500-meter rule.

Subsequently, journalists’ inquiries were answered. It turned out that the British mutation of the coronavirus has yet to be detected in Hungary, but samples from those that came from the UK are constantly being examined.

Müller also said that there is no flu epidemic in Hungary. According to him, this is due to two things: Many people have used the vaccine and protection against the coronavirus also prevents the spread of influenza.

Operational staff responded to several questions from HVG. We wonder if there would be an antidote for anaphylaxis at vaccination sites. In response, Müller said that anaphylaxis is the most serious allergic reaction and it will not be, but it is already available in the antidote to vaccines. It should only be given in places where there is one.

He also turned out to be ready to receive a vaccine for approx. half an hour, precisely because if an allergic reaction occurs, they can be removed immediately. This time also includes completing a questionnaire and completing a consent form. The National Ambulance Service has published a separate procedure for vaccinations to protect against allergic reactions. After vaccination, you will receive a “vaccinated” card that, in addition to your information, also tells you when to request the second vaccination.

We also wanted to know what advice is given to allergy sufferers and those at risk of anaphylaxis. Müller said that the vaccine doctor decides, it is important to know the medical history.

Did RTL ask if there is a vaccination plan? Müller said yes, as he is vaccinated first by healthcare workers, then social workers, then chronic patients, and then others. The latest round includes those whose individual risk is very low, but also need their vaccination to reach 60 percent. The medical director promised that the plan would be made public soon.

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Nearly 600,000 have signed up for the coronavirus vaccine so far

136,000 of the applicants indicated by mail that they would be vaccinated.

Merkely: I am sure that the coronavirus is being eliminated from everyday life

András Németh

You don’t have to be afraid, but you should be careful, says Béla Merkely of the new type of coronavirus. According to the rector of Semmelweis University, the coronavirus will be “wiped from the Earth.”