Index – National – Hungarian aid shipments on the way


Croatia turned to the European Union for help in dealing with the 6.3 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday. He called on the Member States for tents, lighting, folding beds and sleeping bags. Disaster management in Hungary

six pallets of relief supplies

is launched in Croatia to deal with the earthquake, according to a statement from the National Directorate General for Disaster Management.

Hungary was one of the first to signal their intention to help and immediately offered 250 folding beds and 250 sleeping bags, which Croatia accepted. The two-ton, six-pallet relief shipment will begin early in the afternoon from the Disaster Management Logistics Base and is expected to

Arrive in the afternoon through the Letenye border crossing

to the Croatian Civil Defense depot near Zagreb.

Not only Hungary, but also other countries offered their help, according to the Daily article. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučič has asked Prime Minister Ana Brnabič in a letter to transfer 1 million euros to Croatia. Both North Macedonia and Bulgaria are providing hundreds of thousands of euros in aid.

Already Tuesday night aid supplies arrived in the country.

Slovenia sent bunk beds, mattresses and sleeping bags. Austria delivered almost fifty folding beds, Italy winterized tents, room heating equipment Greece and the Czech Republic two protection grade luminaires Croatia, a globe lighthouse, ten electric heaters, folding beds and more than a thousand bags of sleep.

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