Hungary sends aid to Croatia hit by earthquake


Hungarian humanitarian aid launches six aid pallets to Croatia to deal with earthquake Croatia turned to the European Union for help to deal with the 6.3 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday. It called on member states for tents, lighting, folding beds and sleeping bags, DG National Disaster Management said in a statement.

After Tuesday’s 6.3-magnitude earthquake, Croatia turned to the European Union for help. Tents, lighting fixtures, folding beds and sleeping bags were requested from Member States.
Hungary was one of the first to indicate its intention to help, offering 250 folding beds and 250 sleeping bags, which Croatia accepted.

The two-ton, six-pallet relief shipment will leave the disaster management logistics base in the early afternoon and is expected to arrives at night at the Letenye border crossing at the base of the Croatian civil defense warehouse near Zagreb.

Hungary last sent an aid shipment to Croatia on March 23, 2020. At the time, we were helping to deal with a situation after a 5.6 magnitude earthquake with 200 camp beds and 200 mattresses.
